Robert, you're far too modest. The way I see it you've trained the two top masters of Wing Chun! Terence was your student, and if memory serves me right even Benny considered you his Sifu at one point.

Terence is now a "grandmaster" of his new Rosy Bottom Cheeks lineage, and your former student Benny is the new "grandmaster" of Shaolin Wing Chun! They are both now at the top of the Wing Chun mountain! You've trained Sith and Jedi... You must be the almighty emperor for certain!

You are the one prophecies have foretold of, the ultimate bad@$$ of the dark arts for con artists. Lol... Admit it! You've been playing both sides all along!

But I've found a flaw in your Shaolin Wing Chun Apprentice's new plan...