
I just read the Blood Red Fist article in the November December 2016 issue. It states that Hong Quan a military and the oldest style in China is. And that Tongbei Quan a substyle of Hong Quan is. Hong Quan has its roots during the Qin dynasty with the terracotta army.

First question: Tongbei Quans story is much older. From the warring states period and maybe sfrom spring and autumn period with the story of the white monkey daoist in Emei. How can be Tong Bei a substyle of a later style?

Second question: Which are the very oldest styles of China (with some info)? And which shaolin styles derive from them?
-Tong bei Quan from Emei warring states period or spring and autumn
-Hong Quan from Shaanxi during Qin dynasty
-Old Tang Lang from Qi kingdom warring states period?
-Pao quan from Emei?

Last question: The transition history of the same old style into a later one and what changes does it took.
For example: shaolin jingang quan was renamed later into luohan quan and more later into shaolin hong quan. Its the same style but it changed his name and some of his techniques.
Iam asking about a similar example how Tongbei and Hongquan and other old styles changed their names and what technique changes they made in their new form.
