Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
I've gone toe-to-toe with countless people who are tripping, certainly more than everyone else has on this forum combined. I've discussed it a little on this forum, but if you need a refresher, check out my initial Shaolin Trips installment: Episode One: Open Two Doors. And it's true, trippers can have heightening sensory and physical abilities. Sometimes it's really amazing what some one on acid can do.

But people on drugs also fall prey to delusion. You don't know how many people we've taken down because they were just too distracted to focus on multiple opponents, or because they were chasing some psychedelic will-o-wisp. I'll never forget when a tripper tried to give one of my partners a death touch. It was hysterical. He yelled 'die!' with such conviction. He was also a scrawny little dude, smaller than me, and my partner was a professional prison psych nurse that stood about 6' 1". Talk about your delusions.

I think I've recommended Zig Zag Zen to your before, uki. The conclusion of most of the essays is the same - practitioners who indulge in psychedelics often progress faster at first, but then they plateau and never reach advanced levels. That stands to reason. If you're used to dropping acid to get your results, then you will lack the discipline necessary to get to the next levels and you will have little left when the drugs wear off.

Throughout history, the Chinese, particularly the Daoists and TCM people, have done extensive research in psychedelics, especially mushrooms. Think about it. What culture eats more mushrooms than the Chinese? Some think that the mushroom of longevity was actually a metaphor for psychedelics. I could see that. Daoists did extensive research trying to find the external dan, which was essentially the philosopher's stone (same dan as in dantian). But they abandoned that for internal dan (qigong practices). They concluded that most external dan led to poisons of the mind. That was centuries ago. uki, if you think you're charting something new with psychedelic mushrooms and martial arts, you're deluded. Do your research. You'll find there are many who have traveled that road before with lackluster results.
ahh..what do you know. You do TaiJi with Bikers.