Quote Originally Posted by uki View Post
ok about the sense... they say that LSD remains in your spinal fluid for 7-8 years... they actually order spinal taps in extreme cases, it's the only way aside from the hair, but mushrooms and LSD are entirely different.
if it were in the CSF, doing the adjustment really shouldn't have an particular impact on how "active" it is; ihowever, doing some cranial / fascial work (your dad may know it as Sacral Occipital Technique, which is the chiro version of it), u often have people spontaneously "unwinding", where the body on its own assumes an often contorted position, but one that the patient reports as being very comfortable and then often has a recall about how that particular position was one the remember being in after a bad fall, car accident, or some other trauma, including emotional - some people go so far as to relate it to birth trauma, which may be true, although that does get a bit overblown, IMPO; so the point is that you can have a "flashback" about an intense experience in your life based purely on mechanical input of a specific type, be it an adjustment or cranial / fascial release (different "quality" to the touch here, hard to explain, easy to show); in my estimation (and my wife's, who does osteo stuff as well and is also an OB/GYN) there is actually very little difference between the sort of "learning" experience associated with extreme trauma and hallucinogenic experience, in terms of the way it imprints itself in the system (I am not equating the two moralistically, in the sense that drug use is "bad" - personally, I believe u hav the right to ingest / inject whatever u want as long as it doesn't result in someone else being hurt);

ok, speaking of "illicit" substances, we are about to leave the hotel and go out into the streets of Amsterdam...