Quote Originally Posted by hunt1 View Post
Contrary to what many imply about Yip Mans different set's and his forgetting and changing things etc.
....an excuse that most would use knowing that they were not taught too much. It's easy to make things up and say they came direct from Yip Man when Yip Man was no longer around to say any different.

I believe 100% that Yip Man had one core system of Ving Tsun that he only taught to a very select few people. WSL and Yip Bo Ching being two of them. This was because they were athletic, willing fighters and intelligent people. Friends as well as students. The others (and there are many) maybe had attributes that didn't allow the knowledge to be cultivated and were probably not in Yip Man's favour. Prior to the Hong Kong days Ving Tsun was very cloak and dagger. Would it not be correct to assume that Yip Man was also cloak and dagger about his teachings and who he taught it to?? Maybe it was even the same with WSL which would explain all these differences in a system that has culminated in using the word "interpretation" to explain differences.

Yip Man would not have chosen to teach people different methods. He would have been selective on what he taught to who and when. If Yip Man had this attitude then maybe his closet students carried it on.

The fact is that with Ving Tsun you can teach all but not all will grasp it. It was the same in my Teacher's Teacher's school. It is the same in my Teacher's school and it is the same in my school.

Quality Ving Tsun is dependent on the intelligence of the person Teaching and practicing it. As WSL said....."When an intelligent person speaks he will only be understood by another intelligent person. If a foolish person speaks then he will only be understood by other fools!"

........the human factor!!!