Quote Originally Posted by Taixuquan99 View Post
To reiterate, a bjj black belt with business savvy pulls every bit as much money in as a cma teacher with business savvy, despite the fact that the entirety of bjj is available in print. Open technique level analysis and discussion is common online and in print for bjj, muay thai, boxing, wrestling, judo, etc. This has been a boon to those arts, and mainly hurts the teachers teaching "mma" who do not have a real familiarity with mma, since those styles play so heavily into many people's mma.
there is so much kung fu out there. I would love to see everything in print: forms, techniques, etc. but the fact is. there is probably 100x more stuff in kung fu then BJJ.

Sure most of it is garbage that you probably wouldn't be able to use. but there are already books out there of "Police kung fu", "effective and easy chin na", "combat kung fu" etc.