Ray wrote in closed thread post #127:
The claim is that Kung Fu as a practical, realistic modern martial art is dead. The evidence of this, NO ONE uses it in the UFC.... the highest level of martial arts competition in the Western World.
The BOLD sentence being the problem at hand...which is defining purpose.

UFC is very far from realistic confrontations. I don't need to go into why sport is different than street or what an average person encounters in everyday life. If you don't know, then you're sadly misinformed.

True, TOP MMA/UFC atheletes are awesome because the live, breath, eat and train to be bad arse in their venue. Because that is their PURPOSE to WIN in competition.

They do not represent the MASS population, which has a different purpose.

But If you can say that TMA of any kind (including CMA):

* Has won in competition (which it has)
* Has been used successfully in real world street fights (which it has)
* Has been focused more on self defense and better health ( ditto)

...Then you cannot say that Kung fu is dead or doesn't have purpose.

As a teacher, It's true I currently focus more on self defense and to make my life better (also my student's lives)

But not to be mistaken for a hippie, I'm always ready at the drop of a hat to throw down with anyone who steps in my face. That's just my personality but also because as a NON Chinese Sifu...I often have to just to get respect, so be it.

But don't roll or lump everyone together into one Useless hippie dog pile. There are plenty of people like me who are willing to fight...mabe not for competition anymore...but nonetheless still wiliing.

It's just that my goals in life are different.

why do I feel like ROSS is watching?
haha, "O"