no man standing on one leg can withstand a barge by a solid both feet on the ground guy of similar weight.

The trick is getting across the kicking range into boxing or trapping range safely. That's another story.

Once you get a feel for his range, stay out of it, close in or further out. I highly recommend close in, so you can stand on his foot and dead leg the captured leg with your opposite knee, that close.
Further out, attack his feet and shins with your blocks, like dropping an elbow on his side kick to your ribs. Backfist to the top of the foot is pretty good too....

Circle, stay off the railroad tracks and look for the opportunities as he weight shifts or recovers from a technique (as mentioned).

And lastly, this is martial arts, people are better at some things than other people, and there are earned arrogances. Don't complain, look at it as your golden opportunity to learn how to fight high kickers who will really try to hit you, not ponce around.

One more thing, watch out for the Axe kick, around up, and straight down, it is the one that works in close, and comes straight down on your head or collarbones.

And hurt him enough to make him worry.

I mean, it should all be fun, right?