Quote Originally Posted by IronFist View Post
Like some have suggested, you could see this as a way to expand your own skills.

Don't let your own ego get in the way. People tend to get defensive when someone is better than them at something.

Why not just be like "hey dude, you're pretty good with those high kicks"?

Giving him validation might cut back on his c0ckiness a bit.

Once the egos are removed you can probably learn more from each other.

Maybe he'll even show you how to defend against them. TKD has methods for defending against its own techniques, right?
It's one thing to take losing gracefully. It's another thing when the winner uses your loss to belittle you and it becomes negative. If the guy can't treat you right, you are better off without him in sparring class. The learning setting should be mostly positive. You may gain skills going against him but the negative psychological aspects of that sort of relationship cast the postives in a major shade. there are good fighters that will spar with you and be nice. Use them instead.