Yeah, within what you would call "close ranged combat" yes. But this was meant to be a chi sau session?
Exactly, in my book mild slaps to the haed are more acceptable than head butts in the situation shown

Well, tbh, looking at Randy's behaviour, what he says and how he acts in these vids, I have to say that it is not indicative of what I would call a Sifu. Further, having watched his instructional vids and having read his books, well, I still feel that he is lacking. That said, it is primarily his behaviour that, for me at least, inclines me to not refer to him with the Sifu title in tow.
Behaviour aside, you have no reason to call him sifu as you aren't his student.
His behaviour confirms that call

Yes, I noted that myself. Thing is many of these techniques are last ditch desperation techniques.
That was my call earlier in the thread.

They are not really techniques to come out in chi sau. He only does them because he lacks the ability and skill to use the more 'standard' toolsets available from wing chun, when chi sauing.
I agree again

Randy uses a lot of strength and speed in his wing chun. I believe he thinks himself of a bigger physical stature than he actually is and this, I believe, effects the way he does wing chun. Small man complex alpha male, but really a beta, syndrome?
Im not going to comment on how he thinks but IMO its pretty low skill chi-sao in general