As mentioned before this is not a striker vs grappler thread, personally I have done bjj,sombo judo and one of my teachers is a pro mma fighter. I don’t think anyone doubts that you need to know grappling and ground fighting. But many of the old school ways can also be effective for down and dirty street fighting.

I also think it is highly unlikely anyone will be defending themselves against a highly skilled wrestler, but it is not impossible. But remember at the beginning of mma days all the grapplers won easily, then strikers started learning some grappling and defending and winning matches using their techniques. So does it mean all traditional hard core methods are useless in fights, not in my experience. just train in your skills hard and practice against these type of attacks. It makes sense that if someone can break a coconut of brick with their fists they can crack a skull. Yes moving targets are different and that’s why they need to be practiced safely with a partner