Plus again, extra points for being a good Samaritan for helping someone defenseless.

"Kung Fu Fighting": Kung Fu Delivery Man Catches Robbers In Southern China
By Michelle Guanzon
on March 31, 2016 08:03 AM

(credit: Photo grabbed from SCMP)

Everyone was rooting for the restaurant delivery man in southern part of China where he caught an armed robber with a knife using his own bare hands and skills in Kung Fu.
SCMP reported it was a 39-year-old delivery man named Chen Zijing who went after two robbers after attacking a woman and took over her gold necklace in Guangzhou's street in Baiyun district in Tuesday.
Two young men riding a motorcycle were caught by witnesses approaching a woman from behind and suddenly grabbed her gold necklace. The victim then fell and was dragged on the pavements more than two meters until the woman's necklace broke. The woman was bleeding in pain with injuries and yelled out for help.
Chen went after the two suspects using his electric scooter. According to a report, the robbers collided with a bus which is the cause that they fell from the motor bike.
One of them charged a knife against Chen but he eventually caught the robber by neck and threw him at once in the ground.