Jon, you really aren't getting this are you?

We told you if you don't do it for real, it isn't going to work when it has to. Your response was to ask if our military trains "for real" and my answer was "YES"

And once again, YES, you are incorrect on a number of issues.

Whatever symantic issues you want to play, the reality is that the military does train for real, and even if you don't know about it doesn't make it not so. My guess, you don't know thing #1 about real military training.

From a military point of view, learning that your force is useless and is going to get killed is better learned in training than in combat. Tough issue for many to understand or accept, but from a military training and planning point of view, better a few dead in BT than a lot dead in action. Argue with me if you want, it's true, just deal with it

How the Soviet Union trained its forces in no "fairy tale" no matter what you want to believe. YOu can call it stupid, but let's remember that you are NOT in charge of an advanced sophisticated military force now are you?

As for your last question, perhaps I should ask if you are aware there is no longer a Soviet Union?