Originally posted by Ego_Extrodinaire

Don't blame the brave citizens of United States for voting our President in. At least they did what they believed. So what does that make you, someone who is in the arm forces serving out the policies that you don't belief in. The word hyprocite comes to mind. Surely a smart man like you in army intellegence could have figured that out.

As for me, I was a private and later a platoon leader. I went to nam to kill charlies and kill charlies I did. I was a big guy so they gave me a big gun and I killed lots of Charlies.

Why on earth are you speaking as if I said what you said? You were the one blasting the pres, not me. Since you'd like to speak of my personal views of the pres, allow me to point out that I'm not in disagreement of what he does and has done. If you ever truly were military, you'd know the phrase "It's not ours to question why, only to do and die." The words presumptuous and confused come to mind.
I don't think you were ever in the military. And I don't like liars.
And FYI: *hypocrite, *intelligence, and most importantly, ARMED forces. Whether you like it or not, poor spelling does reflect on you.
Oh, and Ego... I'm done with you... dismissed.
