If not then get over to Discovery.com and do so.

For reference here's I sent them:

Real martial arts have names like JowGa, Kyokushinkaikan and Brazilian jujutsu to name a few. None of these were mentioned on your program.

A while back you did a couple of martial art specials. I really enjoyed the segment of the program (the name of which I can't recall)you did with Wade Chroninger and the "Kung Fu Warrior" special with Cung Le. Those guys were real martial artists. I was hoping that XMA would be balanced out with something similar.

Xtreme MA wasn't extreme in any sense. Yeah the guys were gifted athletes but so was Mary Lou Retton. Mary doesn't pretend to be doing anything but gymnastics though. The forms competitions were a mix of a screaming contest with glorified ballet.

Concerning the bald guy. No real martial artist who has drawn or lost blood in a dojo or match or streetfight will claim to get fired up at the sight of blood and certainly wouldn't brag about shanking someone. The bald guy's statement indicates that he's a wannabe who's never had the displeasure of so much as a bloody nose.

When the human heart rate gets above 120 bpm as it does in a violent encounter fine and complex motor skills disappear. Thus the complicated moves demonstrated by these guys would be useless in a real fight.

Matt's kickboxing training will do him more good than 100 years of dojo ballet. I give him credit for having the good sense to train in it. However it's a waste of talent to compete in point karate tournaments. BTW if I had been judging he would have won his fight. He did win but the victory was GIVEN to his opponent.

Here are some clips of real martial artists competing.



Look at this clip to see what happens when a point fighter meets a real fighter:


Please next time you do a martial arts special consult some real martia artists. XMA was neither extreme nor martial arts. It was fight choreography done by oversized egos.