Quote Originally Posted by MasterKiller
Remember that time Hitler went after the Ark of the Covenenant? Man, that was fiasco.
Not that I don't get the joke but the plot was inspired by historical events. I am also not so sure about the assertion that he adopted some sort of European version of the swastica. He spent a hell of a lot of resources digging around in Tibet and researching the stuff up there. There was some thought that the Tibetans, based on their bone structure, might have been closely related to the hypothetical Aryan race proposed by Madame Blavatsky.

That **** just blows my mind when I get into it and is the main reason I have pretty much sworn off all western occult practices. No matter what strand I follow it always seems to lead back to proto-natzism. Either it's Von List or it's Blavatski or Crowley or one of their close peers.

Anyone here know off hand where John Dee popped up out of?