Here's some reasons why I don't train to music.

1. It's distracting. When I train, I try to remain focussed.

2. When listening to music, you tend to move along with the beat. This is fine in dancing, but not so in fighting. While fighting certainly DOES have a beat and rhythm to it, the tempo should move according to match the situation, not to match a soundtrack. For example, you may do a "punch - block - punchpunch" rhythm, in other words, you've thrown a punch, blocked a hit which also opened the opponent, and dug into that opening with a two more punches, but in quicker succession. In musical terms, if the first punch and block were full notes, the last two punches were both semi-notes. It's what boxers call the "old one-two" follow up. The timing of the fight is dependent on how fast you're moving and how fast your opponent is moving. Not on how fast the music is moving.

Music is fun, but not practical for combat training.

"Wit is educated insolence." - Aristotle (284-322 BC)