Quote Originally Posted by zapruder_bjj View Post
Well since you dont seem to even know the definition of propaganda, here ya go:

the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person
You're just proving me right, since your initial use of it assumed that it was always a NEGATIVE type of "info".

I cant think for myself....
If you say so.

and say the moon is made of cheese, yet it doesnt make it so.
Seemingly, nothing you say does that.... at least insofar as what you've posted in this thread.

And while on that note, how is it we know this? Why...its scientific data, and lets see, if I gather a sample of moon rock today, will it still not be made of cheese tomorrow? Ah...wait yes it will because it is a study that can be replicated.
That was always supposed to be "green cheese", but any fool (with working eyes) can see it isn't green.... so, most folks just chalked that up to a kiddie tale.
You, OTOH, needed "proof"?

Originally Posted by zapruder_bjj View Post
... because there is no studies...
"... because there ARE no studies..."
There you go grasp at them typo straws since you have no facts to base your argument.
Seems to me you're acknowledging your mistake as a "fact"......

That is why I spoke about propaganda earlier, because blatant refusal to hear the evidence (the FDA refusing to hear the evidence brought to them by the AMA)
... and you actually think that the AMA is truthful/selfless and has no axe to grind?
So I am confused the AMA disseminates propaganda but the government doesnt?
I think that it would be a very unusual organization that didn't use:
"The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause." (aka "their" cause)
aka: "propaganda"

... and using studies that can not be reproduced multiple times (ie good science)...

Or possibly repetitive drudgework.
NO!! This is called good science. A hypothesis may not become theory until it is shown to be true...and how is that by replicating the results.
OTOH, a "theory" is still not a "law".....

It is strange to watch a person cling to their ideas in the face of facts, cuz gol darnit you knows the real truth about the world, dont have to look at the real world to know about it
I think you need to "make allowances" for those who choose to look (and think) for themselves.