Not to mention the huge errors in translation from Hebrew to Greek to Latin to English, which would make the king james bible the least reliable one of them all.
Its a interesting one, the new testament that is, if we look into the translating part.
First off, we don't know who wrote them, not for certainty and we don't know who translated them either.
We do know that Jesus and his muchachos were hebrew that spoke aramaic and, if they were educated (most weren't), spoke and wrote classical greek.
We kind of have to assume that the original writings were classical greek being translated from spoken aramaic (ouch!) and then eventually translated into Latin or perhaps into "modern greek" and then into latin, then into German if I remember correctly and then into english.
Now, if that isn't a headache and a half, one has to remember that the vast majority of translators don't do literal translations, they do what they think a given sentence/paragraph means.