Ok, I'm going to say it one more time, but this time I'll say it DIRECTLY to the person to whom it applies: Hendrick, please don't waste space/time here with your posts unless you actually have something a) coherent b) on topic and finally c) in proper English. It really pi$$es us all off when we have to wade through your sh1t postings. Van Helsing? Really? Dracula, werewolves? Come on bro. We are talking about reality here. By the way, shall we start a thread about fighting while flying throught the air (like in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon)?!?! That would apply to this conversation about as much as all that other sh1t.

As far as Terrance goes, I don't really know you bro, but you are really off base with what you are talking about. There are alot of people out there who respect Sifu Garrett Gee as being one of the true practitioners of Wing Chun in the world. There are many in China who respect the man more than their own Sifus. On the other hand, your Sifu doesn't exactly have the best "street cred" if you know what I mean. I say this as a bystander, but one who has seen a few things. I know a blow hard when I see one. You sir, are the hardest blower I have seen in some time (not to mention all of your hypocracy). But hey, if you want to keep spouting insults from the yellow brick road with the rest of the munchkins, go right ahead. It's not my a$$. Best of luck to you bro...