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Thread: so what the heck is intent?

  1. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by SPJ View Post
    the chinese is

    yong yi bu yong li

    use yi and do not use force/li.

    to practice the posture with intent

    this is to fine tune your moves/postures.

    you are sensing and recieving feedbacks from all aspects of your movements.

    if you use force, you are focusing your power into a certain direction

    it is difficult to detect or sense all the in's and out's of your move/posture.


    So how do you do it at the fajin instant?

  2. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    So how do you do it at the fajin instant?
    forget about the fajin. when one only to seek fajin there will be no fajin, but if one only do proper train, the fajin will come out itself.

  3. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by charlyws View Post
    forget about the fajin. when one only to seek fajin there will be no fajin, but if one only do proper train, the fajin will come out itself.
    Sorry, I totally disagree.

    if one was not train in fajin, one cant do it.

    Fajin doesnt come out itself. if you disagree with me then please share we us how tajin will come out itself. and what type of jin is that?

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    for Yi/Intention, at a basic level, my simple explanation is, mind + direction.

    it is simple, but i think it gets the point across effectively without diving too much into the more mystical areas - which can confuse early students.

  5. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    Sorry, I totally disagree.

    if one was not train in fajin, one cant do it.

    Fajin doesnt come out itself. if you disagree with me then please share we us how tajin will come out itself. and what type of jin is that?

    you seek fajin because you want the result not enjoy the progress..

    fajin is no shape or no certain conditional. because of that i said don't try to find fajin. it looks like when you breath dont try to "see" the air, because you couldn't see it BUT you feel it.

    Before fajin, u must learn Jin you must learn to develop Xu Ling Ding Jing, Qi Chen Dantian. When You have that you could use fajin as much as you like.

  6. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by charlyws View Post
    you seek fajin because you want the result not enjoy the progress..

    fajin is no shape or no certain conditional. because of that i said don't try to find fajin. it looks like when you breath dont try to "see" the air, because you couldn't see it BUT you feel it.

    Before fajin, u must learn Jin you must learn to develop Xu Ling Ding Jing, Qi Chen Dantian. When You have that you could use fajin as much as you like.


    There is nothing wrong with need to have result. There is also to have the result and enjoy the progress and the process. in fact, it is very joy to do push hand, fajin, have control on the result and keep progressing. as it said, after knowing the Jin, the more one cultivate the more one get deeper and become very good at it with ease. and only at that state one doesnt need condition to fajin, otherwise, one cant do it.

    To be real honest, IMHO, what you mention above are just preparation and not even start to get close to fajin training yet.

    Dont believe me, let's investigate how jin is release from one's body, it is in a spiral way or direct way or ......etc. so there is shape, condition....etc. to release a jin in a spiral way or taiji ball way is very different then other ways... and there are differences even when it is a spiral way.

    and also, why is it got to be the Taiji ball way? that also is a reason....etc.

    So, without these type of training one cant do it. IMHO.

    Not to mention, if one have never heard about it, how can one do it?

    There is a state that when one will the Qi, Qi is there, when one will the Jin, Jin is there. Thus, it said using intent not using force. the force and qi is always there in dynamic, one just have to direct it. however, that needs cultivation. not simple stuffs.

    and just standing in Zhan Zhuan it self cant do it,
    thus as in YiQuan, there is 6 directional force in the drill, there is friction steps, there is testing of force vectors......etc. even if one goes through those training, still one doesnt guarentee to master it. Thus, it will be even hopeless for we who have never heard about it.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 04-03-2010 at 11:04 AM.

  7. #22
    haha you are to much reading books but not do proper one.

    if you truly understand about fajin, you must know about this Xu Ling Ding Jing, Qi Chen Dantian..

    if you dont know about that, i know enough that you only knew by a book a word fajin,fajin,fajin.

    To be real honest, IMHO, what you mention above are just preparation and not even start to get close to fajin training yet.

    Yes, what i said is only about preparation. but you are only to know the result? how can it be, before do preparation? There is NO specific training that only for what you called FAJIN

    This FAJIN fans make taijiquan is like a fantasy martial art that never exist.

    and just standing in Zhan Zhuan it self cant do it,

    yes, zhan zhuang cant do it itself. but wthout it dont be dreaming you can do fajin.

  8. #23
    Well, you can have your opinions.

    What is what is very clear and dont need to be argue.
    The following is a good sample from the real master to tell what is the reality.

    For those who dont know chinese, this occur in the world Taiji meeting on explaination on push hand and jin. see for yourself is it just AWARENESS, Xu Ling Ding Jing, Qi Chen Dantian.....or there are much much more...


    the master explain in details and clearly what is taiji jin...etc. enjoy

    Quote Originally Posted by charlyws View Post
    haha you are to much reading books but not do proper one.

    if you truly understand about fajin, you must know about this Xu Ling Ding Jing, Qi Chen Dantian..

    if you dont know about that, i know enough that you only knew by a book a word fajin,fajin,fajin.

    To be real honest, IMHO, what you mention above are just preparation and not even start to get close to fajin training yet.

    Yes, what i said is only about preparation. but you are only to know the result? how can it be, before do preparation? There is NO specific training that only for what you called FAJIN

    This FAJIN fans make taijiquan is like a fantasy martial art that never exist.

    and just standing in Zhan Zhuan it self cant do it,

    yes, zhan zhuang cant do it itself. but wthout it dont be dreaming you can do fajin.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 04-03-2010 at 01:17 PM.

  9. #24
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post

    Not to mention, if one have never heard about it, how can one do it?

    If I walk backwards blindfolded and earplugged down a hall I don't need to know there's stairs going down to fall down them.

    Like you seeking you mess up learning by trying to grasp. That's the teacher part I like to think--they set you up to learn but you don't necessarily get that you are getting it.

    Intent--you know how you get startled when you get jumped and you try to clock whoever you can get your hands-on? Do that when you practice only leave the thugs out.but you make the effort as though they were there and tryting to kick your Horse-mule hybid.


    When you think you know for what you are looking. You seek what you think and miss what was there to be found; at least sometimes perhaps some might think.


    "To be real honest, IMHO, what you mention above are just preparation and not even start to get close to fajin training yet.

    Dont believe me, let's investigate how jin is release from one's body, it is in a spiral way or direct way or ......etc. so there is shape, condition....etc. to release a jin in a spiral way or taiji ball way is very different then other ways... and there are differences even when it is a spiral way.

    and also, why is it got to be the Taiji ball way? that also is a reason....etc.

    So, without these type of training one cant do it. IMHO." -Hendrick~

    One does not need to train to do, But one certainly must have occur.

    There are four lights...¼ impulse...all donations can be sent at to;

  10. #25
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    i am convinced that hendrik is an infantile spirit.

  11. #26
    Join Date
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    2   /ɪnˈtɛnt/ Show Spelled[in-tent] Show IPA
    firmly or steadfastly fixed or directed, as the eyes or mind: an intent gaze.
    having the attention sharply focused or fixed on something: intent on one's job.
    determined or resolved; having the mind or will fixed on some goal: intent on revenge.
    earnest; intense: an intent person.
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  12. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    2   /ɪnˈtɛnt/ Show Spelled[in-tent] Show IPA
    firmly or steadfastly fixed or directed, as the eyes or mind: an intent gaze.
    having the attention sharply focused or fixed on something: intent on one's job.
    determined or resolved; having the mind or will fixed on some goal: intent on revenge.
    earnest; intense: an intent person.
    That show book only learning cannot have understand less can you show it in practice and describe in word your own!

  13. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Scott R. Brown View Post
    That show book only learning cannot have understand less can you show it in practice and describe in word your own!
    backwards talking, all saying that you are, instead of the way by enlightened sifu showing you must be, when you have only that which speculation not with by understood

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Scott R. Brown View Post
    That show book only learning cannot have understand less can you show it in practice and describe in word your own!
    Hogwash !
    Too much finger and moon and not enough foot and butt !!
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  15. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
    backwards talking, all saying that you are, instead of the way by enlightened sifu showing you must be, when you have only that which speculation not with by understood
    said excellentnessly

    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    Hogwash !
    Too much finger and moon and not enough foot and butt !!
    That should be head IN butt!

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