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Thread: How do I strengthen my kidneys?

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  1. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by SavvySavage View Post
    The problem with your argument is that it's based off of a study that refutes another study. Later on they'll do another study that refutes that one. You could probably find studies to support ANYTHING.
    right, whereas your "argument" is based on what, exactly? nothing beyond subjective opinion, really...

    Quote Originally Posted by SavvySavage View Post
    I'm not talking about preventing prostate cancer. Just because it lowers it by 33% that doesn't prevent it. It only lowers the risk. Exercise lowers the risk of heart attack but anyone can get a heart attack, even the healthiest.
    ???? are you serious? u can so blithely dismiss doing something that lowers risk of cancer by 1/3 because it doesn't jive with what u believe personally? ur argument implies that bec it "only" lowers the risk 33% it's better still not to ejaculate based on vague Taoist assertions about risks to health?

    Quote Originally Posted by SavvySavage View Post
    What happens to most men after they ejaculate? They fall asleep. Try fighting against Mike Tyson after just dropping your load. It affects energy levels, motor abilities, performance levels, etc. You don't need science or TCM to tell you this. Any guy who has ever gotten laid knows this. Do me a favor, Scott? Go find more studies that prove you point. And then find studies that disprove your points. Then tell me what your opinion is.
    so let's see - because of the fact that we have a refractory period after ejaculation, this leads you to the conclusion that ejaculation is in and of itself is somehow a bad thing? u really hav this irritating habit of taking things so far out of context, it's not even funny - just because u hav a period of relative energy drain after an intense physiological event doesn't mean that that event is problematic for long-term energy;

    Quote Originally Posted by SavvySavage View Post
    TCM has many issues. But atleast it has a body of knowledge that doesn't change every five minutes with a new study.
    no, of course it's much better to defer to centuries-old data taken during times when knowledge of human anatomy and physiology were far less than what is extant currently, than it is to rely on knowledge that is updated as new and more correct information comes to light...

    Quote Originally Posted by SavvySavage View Post
    Tai gak yan,
    This is all I have to say to you in regards to your post.
    not surprising, since you always ignore what you are unable to answer, as I effectively slam-dunked an answer to each of your baseless accusations; of course, u r always welcome to rebut if u feel inclined at a later date; but we know u won't, because you can't;

    Quote Originally Posted by SavvySavage View Post
    You know two tcm practitioners that claim certain herbs grow back hair? If that were true they would be rich and famous instead of just being two tcm practitioners. Hair loss can be stopped to a certain extent but no one can grow hair back.
    I think ur reading comp needs a lot of work - my entire point for bringing this up was to demonstate how you can hav elements within a system that although they themselves are BS does not make the entire system BS, but that, like any modality, TCM needs to be critically evaluated in terms of what it claims;

    Quote Originally Posted by SavvySavage View Post
    Surprisingly, we actually agree on some points.
    even a broken clock is correct twice a day; so if we do agree, it's more by chance given that your methodological m/o lacks any semblance of intellectual rigor;

    Quote Originally Posted by SavvySavage View Post
    You're just a little bit too contentious about what you think you know for what your amazing doctorate taught you.
    let's see, u jump onto the thread deriding me and Scott, our degrees, our so-called googled advice and "science" in general, and I'm the one being contentious? okaaaaay...second, i do not have a doctorate, nor have ever claimed to, so I don't know where u get that from; third, despite what u may project about my "amazing" education, quite frankly the majority of my functional clinical knowledge base, aside from anatomy / phys, is not based on what I was taught in school, a lot of which, IMPO, was poorly taught and ultimately a waste of time; rather, I had to search quite a bit after graduation to obtain the clinical information that enabled me to b successful clinically; finally, in regards to your statement about what I "think I know", please provide a specific example on this or any other thread where I make a statement regarding PT, TCM or qigong (or anything else, for that matter), where I mistakenly claim to know something that I don't (of course, you won't, u never speak to specifics, u just level accusations and then ignore the responses when they demonstrate the error of what you have said);

    addendum: as I re-read ur original post, I am struck by just how ridiculous of an individual you come across as - u post like an angry 4-year old who wasn't allowed a second scoop of ice cream; until u can reconcile ur glaringly obvious contrarian issues, especially if u r trying to construct a reasoned argument, u should consider not posting here; I strongly urge you to seriously re-evaluate ur reasons for and and methods of posting before coming on here again, because all you really end-up doing is embarrassing yourself
    Last edited by taai gihk yahn; 04-11-2010 at 12:37 PM.

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