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Thread: Chen Taijiquan Various Form and Application Videos

  1. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    i just troll internet and make poeple mad for fun.
    You don't think there are enough angry, pizzed-off people in the world? You feel like it's fun to add to that? Then you are an idiot and the world would be far better off without you. Sucks to be you...
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  2. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by cerebus View Post
    You feel like it's fun to add to that?
    yes. i love it when white people cray.

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
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  3. #108
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    yes. i love it when white people cray.
    So you're racist. That explains alot...
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  4. #109
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    noe. ur rasist u lie

    i love the white peoples. i love colonel sanders.

    Honorary African American
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  5. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by cerebus View Post
    You don't think there are enough angry, pizzed-off people in the world?
    at 17 after high school i left my family on east coast and went all alone to toronto 1000 miles away. i wanted to devote myself to kung fu and find kung fu people. then a obvious problem came up: i dont have money, noone will teach me. i find a cheap ass club, then "i dont like that guy. hes never learning the buddha palm. *snort snort giggle" that ends my short dream.
    then i waste 2 years making money for college. i endured hell just for kung fu. i know your westerner kung fu too well.
    then i see limp wristed motherfukers treating this like a game , limply and softly touching each other like h0m0sexuals and call it sparring , even have the nerve and ego to film that sh1t, why shouldnt i be mad? and he claims he endured bitter training in china. why shouldnt i be pised off?? u tell me motherfuker u tell me

    maoshan got his ass beat just few months ago, some guy just claim yang hai got beat, and you guys still live in your bubbles. unless u guys receive a brutal beating trying to use your internal skills u will never wake up
    Last edited by bawang; 08-20-2010 at 08:16 PM.

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
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  6. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    at 17 after high school i left my family on east coast and went all alone to toronto 1000 miles away. i wanted to devote myself to kung fu and find kung fu people. then a obvious problem came up: i dont have money, noone will teach me. i find a cheap ass club, then "i dont like that guy. hes never learning the buddha palm. *snort snort giggle" that ends my short dream.
    then i waste 2 years making money for college. i endured hell just for kung fu.
    then i see limp wristed motherfukers treating this like a game , limply and softly touching each other and call it sparring , even have the nerve and ego to film that sh1t, why shouldnt i be mad? and he claims he endured bitter training in china. why shouldnt i be pised off?? u tell me motherfuker u tell me

    maoshan got his ass beat just few months ago, that guy just claim yang hai got beat, and you guys still live in your bubbles.
    You made bad decisions, so everyone else must pay for your mistakes? That really makes alot of sense (not). I was a member of the Tang Shou Tao Association from 2002 til 2007. The Tang Shou Tao was created by master Hung I-Hsiang in Taiwan to teach Chinese internal arts for fighting. Every year we had an annual full-contact tournament. I don't claim to be any expert, but I am a good fighter and a dedicated practitioner of Tai Chi Chuan.

    I also have personally met Mo Ling. When he first returned from China he lived in Oakland near my house. I pushed hands with him a number of times and we sparred on several occasions (light contact). He really does know what he is doing and I have felt him apply it. You only know what you've seen on a video, and you don't seem to have understood it at all.

    You want to call me a "motherfuker" (as you spell it) and you don't even know me. You've shown yourself to be a real loser who has serious psychological problems. Get yourself a therapist, no one's paying me enough to try and point this stuff out to you...
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  7. #112
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    why would i need a therapist. i lived in a small city and heard lies about how theres great kung fu people with amazing skills, so i didnt listen to my parents and traveled to toronto. turns out theyre pure dogsh1t. im mad cuz i wasted all my saved up money looking for real kung fu, when theres none, because no one takes it seriously. now im pointing out how u guys talk yourselves into badasses because i see thru ur facade.
    Last edited by bawang; 08-20-2010 at 08:31 PM.

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
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  8. #113
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    why would i need a therapist. i lived in a small town and heard lies about how theres great kung fu people with amazing skills, so i didnt listen to my parents and traveled to toronto. turns out theyre pure dogsh1t. im mad cuz i wasted all my saved up money looking for real kung fu, when theres none, because no one takes it seriously.
    You need a therapist because YOU are the one who made the mistake which you made, yet you wish to take it out on everyone else instead of just realizing that it was YOUR mistake. No one else is responsible for it, just you. So stop calling other people "motherfukers" just because you want to act like a whiny little baby. Be a man. Accept that you made a mistake and move on with your life.

    Instead of trying to always talk crap about people you don't even know, take the time to do a little research before you gamble everything on what someone tells you.
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  9. #114
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    now im pointing out how u guys talk yourselves into badasses because i see thru ur facade.
    No facade here. I've been training in the martial arts since 1978. I've been fighting full-contact since 1983, first as a boxer, then as a kickboxer and San Da fighter. In 2002 I began training in the Chinese internal arts. In 2008 I fought for the USKSF International Championship Full-Contact title. I had two hard-fought matches and was ranked 4th. Most recently, at the age of 40 and weighing 170 lbs at around 5 ft 10.5 inches tall I fought and won a full-contact match against an opponent in his 20s who was over 6 ft tall and weighed around 225 lbs. What have YOU done?
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  10. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by cerebus View Post
    You need a therapist because YOU are the one who made the mistake which you made, yet you wish to take it out on everyone else instead of just realizing that it was YOUR mistake. No one else is responsible for it, just you.
    people like u talk yourselves into high skilled kung fu gods when ur just weekend warrior hobbyists. u show ur true colors when naive people buy into your lies and try to become "kung fu warriors" but fail horribly. then you look down on them and call impressionable young kids losers.
    Quote Originally Posted by cerebus View Post
    Most recently, at the age of 40 and weighing 170 lbs at around 5 ft 10.5 inches tall I fought and won a full-contact match against an opponent in his 20s who was over 6 ft tall and weighed around 225 lbs. What have YOU done?
    i tried to use "internal kung fu concepts" in high school and got my ass beat. i got kneed in the face, my teeth was loose and i got a concussion. i was brave and dumb enough to listen to lies of people like u and paid my price but also learned an important lesson. no matter how much u inflate ur self i can c rite thru u.
    u can close ur eyes and slug some amateur nobody and claim u had a fight, whens the last time u tried to use what you preach.
    Last edited by bawang; 08-20-2010 at 08:51 PM.

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
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  11. #116
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    people like u talk yourselves into high skilled kung fu gods when ur just weekend warrior hobbyists. u show ur true colors when naive people buy into your lies and try to become "kung fu warriors" but fail horribly. then you look down on them and call impressionable young kids losers.

    i tried to use "internal kung fu concepts" in high school and got my ass beat. i got kneed in the face, my teeth was loose and i got a concussion. i was brave and dumb enough to listen to lies of people like u and paid my price but also learned an important lesson. no matter how much u inflate ur self i can c rite thru u.
    The only one calling me a "highly skilled kung fu god" is you. I never made any such claim, I simply stated the facts, which were apparently too much for you to comprehend.

    And no, you never listened to someone like me or you wouldn't have gone out and gotten into fights in the first place, much less have gotten your azz kicked that badly. You're a fool, plain and simple. Everytime you write something on this forum you make it clear...
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  12. #117
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    u can close ur eyes and slug some amateur nobody and claim u had a fight, whens the last time u tried to use what you preach.
    Wow. You really ARE extremely stupid, aren't you? My eyes were open just fine, and the last time I fought a guy much larger, stronger and more aggressive than me was just this past June. I even posted the photos of the fight, but hey you were too busy whining about your poor little self to have noticed I suppose...
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  13. #118
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    i wasnt a fool for getting into that fight. the first rule of wulin is dont be a cowerd.
    i WAS a fool because i believed in what your friend showed in his tai chi application videos , diligently trained them every day and tried to use them and got horribly beat up. i even recognize some same stuff.i drilled those sh1t for months everyday.

    when someone dont train your internal kung fu properly, you call them lazy. when they train them diligently and find out it doesnt work, you call them losers. when they naturally feel betrayed and lied to and get mad, you say they need psychological help. sounds like ur a sociopath who uses kung fu to make easy money.
    Last edited by bawang; 08-20-2010 at 09:01 PM.

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
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  14. #119
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    i wasnt a fool for getting into that fight. the first rule of wulin is dont be a cowerd.
    i WAS a fool because i believed in what your friend showed in his tai chi application videos and tried to use them. i even recognize some same stuff.
    Ah, so you think it's the actual TECHNIQUE that either wins or fails. That's where your problem lies. It's not the technique (or the art) that wins, fails, or does the fighting. It's the person who practices it. All techniques CAN work IF they are trained properly. I've seen people try to use a jab/ overhand right combo and fail miserably, getting their butt kicked in the process. Does that mean that the jab/ overhand right combo doesn't work? Of course not! It just means that the person didn't use it properly.

    Oh well, I'm wasting my time here. You've already decided what you want to believe. Trying to talk sense to you would be like trying to talk sense to someone who has decided to believe the Earth is flat. It just won't work. Enjoy being miserable and deluded. Goodbye...
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  15. #120
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    i win internet fight

    Honorary African American
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