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Thread: Hit the Back of the head!

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Salem, Oregon, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by RenDaHai View Post
    I vaguely remember seeing an MMA match where one of the guys kneed the other guy in the back of the head during grappling. He was disqualified but it did finish the other guy off in one... Can't remember who it was, think it was a big match.
    I believe you are thinking of Frank Shamrock vs. Renzo Gracie. Renzo definitely played it up for the referee, just like in a Soccer match being tripped by the opposing team; but it did rattle his brain-casing unit a bit.

    Surritt Bros. Kung-Fu San Soo
    P.O. Box 4533
    Salem, OR
    (503) 508-1117

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by San Soo Sifu View Post
    I believe you are thinking of Frank Shamrock vs. Renzo Gracie. Renzo definitely played it up for the referee, just like in a Soccer match being tripped by the opposing team; but it did rattle his brain-casing unit a bit.

    yep thats the match. and ya he played it up big time, cry baby. from his repsonse it was certain un deniable fight ender. but i personally believe he was being a *****

    didnt he act like he couldnt see right or was blurred vision or something?
    Last edited by Lucas; 09-21-2010 at 05:00 PM.
    For whoso comes amongst many shall one day find that no one man is by so far the mightiest of all.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    You see, that is the thing here. When you are fighting in the ring, you are protected by fight rules and you have a referee watching everything you do. So you can go into someone low and fully expect that he can do nothing about it. If he does he gets disqualified. You win. The most common way a person would attempt to fight with me would be to just use boxing methods. It is the most common way of all with somewhat untrained individuals. Then there were the ones that would try to take you down. I am short, so to get under me you have to drop down real low. That is suicide. I simply slap the back of the head and drive you down to the floor on your face, drop into your back with both knees with all my weight, then slide them down on each side under the arm pits with my feet in front of the shoulders, which pins the arms while I put my a$$ on your head and crush your face into the floor, all the while I am using the heel of my palm to seperate the vertebrae in your back. You will not get up on your own. And all this against a resisting opponent. If you have never had someone palm slap you in the head you are in for a great surprise. If you don't believe me, just have someone do it and see for yourself. Not a sissy slap, but a slap like he means it.

  4. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Lee Chiang Po View Post
    You see, that is the thing here. When you are fighting in the ring, you are protected by fight rules and you have a referee watching everything you do. So you can go into someone low and fully expect that he can do nothing about it. If he does he gets disqualified. You win. The most common way a person would attempt to fight with me would be to just use boxing methods. It is the most common way of all with somewhat untrained individuals. Then there were the ones that would try to take you down. I am short, so to get under me you have to drop down real low. That is suicide. I simply slap the back of the head and drive you down to the floor on your face, drop into your back with both knees with all my weight, then slide them down on each side under the arm pits with my feet in front of the shoulders, which pins the arms while I put my a$$ on your head and crush your face into the floor, all the while I am using the heel of my palm to seperate the vertebrae in your back. You will not get up on your own. And all this against a resisting opponent. If you have never had someone palm slap you in the head you are in for a great surprise. If you don't believe me, just have someone do it and see for yourself. Not a sissy slap, but a slap like he means it.
    Been there, done that, slaps, fists, elbows, sticks... zero effect except to dump you on your ass and then choke you out.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    In the video shown, the guy is knocked out by strikes to the back of the head.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  6. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    In the video shown, the guy is knocked out by strikes to the back of the head.
    Notice the taking of the back with the hooks in. Also, notice how the guy had to land blow upon blow before finally getting the ko. Also, notice the guy on the bottom had no clue how to escape the back mount.

    Completely different from trying to land blows from the front off a takedown attempt, which will usually get you dumped on your ass.

  7. #22
    in a real fight i had a guy shooting on me against a wall, i dropped two elbows to his spine after i was stabalized in my defence... it put him on his knees which set up the rest of what followed... mainly knees to the face...

    with a serious northsouth elbown you can hurt somebody pretty permenatly hitting the base of the neck... there arent any guarantees but if you get it right it can be devastating... personally, its not my approach, but it could work for someone... also, i have personally delivered strikes while defending takedowns on and off the wall... but i wouldnt aim for the back of the head anymore than i'd aim for the forehead...
    Last edited by Syn7; 09-21-2010 at 08:09 PM.

  8. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Knifefighter View Post
    Notice the taking of the back with the hooks in. Also, notice how the guy had to land blow upon blow before finally getting the ko. Also, notice the guy on the bottom had no clue how to escape the back mount.

    Completely different from trying to land blows from the front off a takedown attempt, which will usually get you dumped on your ass.
    yeah and the shots that hurt him the most were the ones to the right side of his face when the left side was pressed against the ground...

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Corner of somewhere and where am I
    Separating vertebrae?

    So now your palm shots deliver the force of a high speed car crash do they?

    So is there like a book you guys get these ridiculous lines from or do you just like make em up on the fly?

  10. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Lee Chiang Po View Post
    You see, that is the thing here. When you are fighting in the ring, you are protected by fight rules and you have a referee watching everything you do. So you can go into someone low and fully expect that he can do nothing about it. If he does he gets disqualified. You win. The most common way a person would attempt to fight with me would be to just use boxing methods. It is the most common way of all with somewhat untrained individuals. Then there were the ones that would try to take you down. I am short, so to get under me you have to drop down real low. That is suicide. I simply slap the back of the head and drive you down to the floor on your face, drop into your back with both knees with all my weight, then slide them down on each side under the arm pits with my feet in front of the shoulders, which pins the arms while I put my a$$ on your head and crush your face into the floor, all the while I am using the heel of my palm to seperate the vertebrae in your back. You will not get up on your own. And all this against a resisting opponent. If you have never had someone palm slap you in the head you are in for a great surprise. If you don't believe me, just have someone do it and see for yourself. Not a sissy slap, but a slap like he means it.

    and youve done this in a real street fight??? or is this all theory???

    i dont think u have a realistic view of how fights really go down... have you ever been in a real fight where as far as you know the guy was gonna keep going till u die if you dont win??? not some schoolyard sh!t where cats get real brave coz they know it will be broken up before it gets too serious... you didnt even mention a sprawl which leads me to believe you have no grappling experience... and how many times have we seen the stand up fighter who says they are so good they dont need takedown defence etc and they last like what? half a round... fish outta water... im not trying to be overly critical and single you out for spite or anything, its just that the way you wrote that speaks volumes to your undrstanding of what its actually like to have an experience wrestler with a brick for a head shoot in with a fast and heavy double... you can hit him in the back of the head all you want but he'll just pick you up and slam you... first thing you do in that situation is defend the takedown, not dish strikes... thats like week one stuff man...

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