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Thread: Puberty, Qi-gong, and meditation. Please answer

  1. #1

    Puberty, Qi-gong, and meditation. Please answer

    I am 13 years old and i have a few questions about Qi Gong and puberty. I have read a few boks on Chakras, meditation, and Qi gong. I've read that Qi gong and meditation halt puberty, at least for a while. The problem is, i am 4'8" which is very short for my age and i read that stalling puberty can decrease your height. I really don't want to be this short but i also want to do qi-gong and mediatation. I was wondering, will doing qi gong during puberty have any negative side effects or will it halt puberty mid way? Also, what happens to the energy system during puberty? Please don't dumb down the answer because I'm a kid, i think i can understand the full answer. Thanks for helping
    Last edited by jandrade; 10-18-2010 at 08:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Qigong Will NOT halt puberty!

    The first thing you need to learn is not to believe everything you read. Just because something is written in a book does not make it true. Just because something has been done for a couple of thousand years does not make it true.

    Ancient Taoists used to prescribe pills containing mercury to people, including the first Chinese emperor, in order to provide them with a longer life. Mercury is a poison that shortens your life and has very bad side effects. The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland was mad BECAUSE he was a Hatter, that is, he made hats for a living. Hatters were known for going mad because they used mercury fumes for sizing hats. After years of exposure they developed side effects from the fumes that made them a little nutty and have the shakes etc.

    So ancient knowledge is not necessarily better knowledge and in many cases is dangerous because it is foolish.

    All Qigong is, is breathing, meditation, and a little bit of body movement. All these are beneficial to everyone. Breathing expands your lungs and allows your body to use oxygen better. Movement exercises your body, increases oxygen transport through your body and keeps your muscles and joints supple and healthy, etc. Meditation disciplines your mind, and depending upon how you do it, may also calm your thoughts allowing you to think more clearly.

    You will NOT gain any magical powers from doing Qigong, at least not any that go beyond circus tricks. So don't expect any. You will waste years training for no real benefit if you are looking for fantastic abilities!
    Last edited by Scott R. Brown; 10-18-2010 at 07:54 PM.

  3. #3
    I was wondering about it halting puberty due to the multiple studies showing the Qigong and meditation increase melatonin production. As we all know, melatonin production drops sharply right before puberty. Melatonin is an anti-androgen, it halts the release of follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. This could possibly halt puberty due to raising melatonin. By the way, I may be a child but I am not hoping for magical powers. I meditate and do Qigong for itsproven health benefits such as increasing HGH, Super-oxide dismutase, DHEA, and melatonin. All of these important compounds are known to be potent anti-aging and anti-oxidizing, healing compounds.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by jandrade View Post
    I was wondering about it halting puberty due to the multiple studies showing the Qigong and meditation increase melatonin production. As we all know, melatonin production drops sharply right before puberty. Melatonin is an anti-androgen, it halts the release of follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. This could possibly halt puberty due to raising melatonin. By the way, I may be a child but I am not hoping for magical powers. I meditate and do Qigong for itsproven health benefits such as increasing HGH, Super-oxide dismutase, DHEA, and melatonin. All of these important compounds are known to be potent anti-aging and anti-oxidizing, healing compounds.
    I would not worry too much about meditation and its postponing of puberty. I started meditating right about your age, and doing Qigong type exercises and yoga, etc. I suffered no ill effects and neither will you. The time of puberty is genetically determined, some people start early, some late. I knew one kid who was fully grown at your age. I knew another who didn't start puberty until he was 18 years old.

    Be patient. I don't remember my size when I was your age, but I couldn't have been much bigger. Some people are just short, other people don't get their size until they are in their early 20's.

    I also wouldn't believe everything you read when it comes to scientific studies either. It would take a much longer post to explain to you how and why many if not most conclusions of these types of scientific studies are dubious. Suffice it to say they are not as scientific as they pretend to be.

    When you are older, in high school, take a statistics class and you will learn how facts can be fudged to make them say almost whatever you want them to say.

  5. #5
    can you still explain to me what happens so the enrgy system during puberty?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by jandrade View Post
    can you still explain to me what happens so the enrgy system during puberty?
    Yeah! Nothing!

  7. #7
    Dear Jandrade,

    Please, whatever you do, do NOT listen to this Scott person - he is an heterogenous agoraphobe who trolls these board looking for innocent non-sectarians to embroil in his web of spectacubatory perfidy; if Scott says "A", I can pretty much guarantee you it's "Z" (or at least "T" or "W").
    I don't know what non-sense he has filled your NAMBLA-coveted head with, but you can be certain it's at best pasteurized - no ultra-pasteurization ever happens on this guy's watch (mostly because he keeps it in his pocket, otherwise it falls off all the time...).
    I think instead of asking for qigong advice on an anonymous internet message board, you are much better off going down to your local Taoist Temple, because those guys are really crackerjack at that stuff; if you can't find one, try a Masonic Lodge, or even better, a vestibule pointing straight up.

    BTW, do your PARENTS know what you are up to? If not, that's good, and if they do then even better, just sayin', because ever since Scott had his seal-taming license revoked, he's always trying to steal an extra herring or two, if you know what I mean, You don't? That's ok, neither did I, until I got wind of his savvy and we met up at the gym for some serious weight training, lemurs and all!

    So to conclusion, just remember, always, no wait, never leave your underwear set to radioactive if you are only wearing them once a week, you really don't need to loose the extra bucks.

    Get starched, and may the good-woon be wlays ter yoowlater!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Shell Beach, CA, USA
    Blog Entries
    Quote Originally Posted by jandrade View Post
    I am 13 years old and i have a few questions about Qi Gong and puberty.
    Forget about Qi Gong right now. At your age, you should run, jump, flip in the air, fly above the cloud, and enjoy your life. The day when you have reached 60 years old, you will still have the rest of your life ahead of you to develop your Qi Gong if you still want to.

    Please notice that there are a lot of thing that you

    - can do today but you won't be able to do it when you are 60.
    - still can do when you are 60 and you don't need to rush into it at your current age.

    Try to take advantage on your "youth time" wisely.
    Last edited by YouKnowWho; 10-20-2010 at 06:58 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Pound Town
    i did qigong since 12 years old nothing strange happened to me.
    *rubs cloaca

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
    Senior Business Director at TEAM ASSHAMMER consulting services ™®LLC

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
    Dear Jandrade,

    Please, whatever you do, do NOT listen to this Scott person - he is an heterogenous agoraphobe who trolls these board looking for innocent non-sectarians to embroil in his web of spectacubatory perfidy; if Scott says "A", I can pretty much guarantee you it's "Z" (or at least "T" or "W").
    I don't know what non-sense he has filled your NAMBLA-coveted head with, but you can be certain it's at best pasteurized - no ultra-pasteurization ever happens on this guy's watch (mostly because he keeps it in his pocket, otherwise it falls off all the time...).
    I think instead of asking for qigong advice on an anonymous internet message board, you are much better off going down to your local Taoist Temple, because those guys are really crackerjack at that stuff; if you can't find one, try a Masonic Lodge, or even better, a vestibule pointing straight up.

    BTW, do your PARENTS know what you are up to? If not, that's good, and if they do then even better, just sayin', because ever since Scott had his seal-taming license revoked, he's always trying to steal an extra herring or two, if you know what I mean, You don't? That's ok, neither did I, until I got wind of his savvy and we met up at the gym for some serious weight training, lemurs and all!

    So to conclusion, just remember, always, no wait, never leave your underwear set to radioactive if you are only wearing them once a week, you really don't need to loose the extra bucks.

    Get starched, and may the good-woon be wlays ter yoowlater!

    FINALLY, you have written a post I can understand.....and EVERY BIT OF IT TRUE......for once!

    P.S. I thought you were dead already!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    i did qigong since 12 years old nothing strange happened to me.
    *rubs cloaca
    You do know rubbing your cloaca too much will grow hair on your palms, right?

    To Jandrade.....

    Do NOT believe anything from anyone who begins their address to you with the word, "DEAR".......unless it is your grandmother. Also, do not take candy from such a one, or accept a ride from such a one! In fact, avoid them altogether!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    West Texas
    Generally speaking,

    When your younger= Less Yin More Yang= less Qigong, less meditation, more physical activity. Maybe 1 or 2 Qigong sets, I would suggest hard Qigongs, maybe 5 minutes of meditation, and forms done low as possible, and as often as you can, fast as possible.

    When your older= More Yin Less Yang= More Qigong, More meditation, less physically demanding activity. All the Qigong you can do, about an hour of meditation, and Softer Qigongs are better. Do Taiji slow.

    But balance is crucial, and you cant have Yin without Yang, or Yang without Yin. So lets say at your age for example, you decide to do Qigong, and Taijiquan. I would suggest do hard Qigongs like Iron Shirt, or something like that, with standing and sitting meditation. Taijiquan should be 3 ways, slow, and low as possible, then at a medium speed low, or at an average height, then fast as possible in a higher stance. But I wouldnt worry about it stopping puberty as puberty is natural and Qi is natural. If you feel it is halting your puberty, just stop...

  12. #12
    you guys still think you are talking to a 13 y/o?

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Scott R. Brown View Post
    Qigong Will NOT halt puberty!

    The first thing you need to learn is not to believe everything you read. Just because something is written in a book does not make it true. Just because something has been done for a couple of thousand years does not make it true.

    Ancient Taoists used to prescribe pills containing mercury to people, including the first Chinese emperor, in order to provide them with a longer life. Mercury is a poison that shortens your life and has very bad side effects. The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland was mad BECAUSE he was a Hatter, that is, he made hats for a living. Hatters were known for going mad because they used mercury fumes for sizing hats. After years of exposure they developed side effects from the fumes that made them a little nutty and have the shakes etc.

    So ancient knowledge is not necessarily better knowledge and in many cases is dangerous because it is foolish.

    All Qigong is, is breathing, meditation, and a little bit of body movement. All these are beneficial to everyone. Breathing expands your lungs and allows your body to use oxygen better. Movement exercises your body, increases oxygen transport through your body and keeps your muscles and joints supple and healthy, etc. Meditation disciplines your mind, and depending upon how you do it, may also calm your thoughts allowing you to think more clearly.

    You will NOT gain any magical powers from doing Qigong, at least not any that go beyond circus tricks. So don't expect any. You will waste years training for no real benefit if you are looking for fantastic abilities!
    I actually think you hit the nail on the head. Very good explanation for Qigong. I even learned a bit about the history of "hatters".

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
    you guys still think you are talking to a 13 y/o? think he might be lying?

    Do you think he might actually be 13 1/2?

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Scott R. Brown View Post think he might be lying?

    Do you think he might actually be 13 1/2?
    what is this obsession you have w 13 1/2? I mean, just stop looking through my bedroom window w the high-powered scope already...

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