Quote Originally Posted by BJJ-Blue View Post
If it's no big deal, why is he the ONLY President to earn one?

Of course I wish he was back. You liberals who always blast Bush on debt always give Obama a pass on debt, and the debt under the community organizer is at a record. For you slow liberals, that means it's never been higher.

Civilian non-farm employment:
137,790,000 employed when taxes were cut in June 2003
146,032,000 employed when Democrats took control in Jan 2007

Unemployment rate Dec 2008: 7.4%
Current unemployment rate: 9.4%

Unlike the community organizer, the numbers don't lie.

Well, quite frankly I can think of a principle reason why many presidents didn't have an MBA. the main one being that in the form it is in now didn't even exist until post ww2. Yes, a masters in commerce could be had as far back as 1900, but anyway, not important.

If his MBA was worth the parchment it was printed on, Perhaps Arbusto wouldn't have been such a dismal failure and the Texas Rangers would have had a better chance at the pennant. lol Bush was a notoriously poor businessman. that's documented history and fact.

I'm not saying he's stupid, he's not. Obviously he can't be as he won governor of Texas and the US presidency and sat for two terms. What I am saying is that he was a terrible president who greatly contributed to making the world an even crappier place than it was before he took office. You can try to persuade me otherwise, I doubt you will succeed. Too much against him and you are all too willing to sweep his failures away in favour of trumpeting obscure accomplishments.

he can barely get a speaking gig though. You ever wonder why no one wants him on their speaking tour with darn few exceptions?