Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
sure, lots of mma players suk at striking... and lots suck at wrestling... and lots sucj at ground fighting... you can hardly say nobody in mma can strike tho... thats rediculous...

i do try... i give 110% on both ends... and nothing wears you down like wrestling... pushing weight that is pushing back will always be a harder workout... not much to it... its pretty simple... i get a good workout in bak mei, but nothing drains me like wrestling does... i practice all ranges, so im just going on experience... and everyone else around me that also does both seem to agree...

although i do get alot of resistance from guys that only do standup styles... they will never concede that point... its an ego thing i guess...

im guessing you dont wrestle seriously, coz if you did you would be agreeing with me...

anybody here put as much time into wrestling as anything else??? any of yall think im wrong? its hard for me to believe that we are different here than everywhere else... if its a harder workout for me and everyone else i know, then its a harder workout for you too...

why do you think guys get so tired in the clinch... and the only reason anyone would shoot in coz they were tired would be because they are on auto pilot and their base is wrestling and it far exceeds their other skills... they do it when they get hurt too.... grab a leg... but that proves nothing aside from the fact that people go to what they know best when they are hurt...
Obviously I was generalizing, there are very good strikers in MMA. It just isn't the norm.

What is the harder workout wasn't the question.

For the record I consider clinching part of striking.

You say knife I say sword. . .