i'll never understand why people actually believe that in a true free market the people on top will do whats best for the nation as opposed to whats best for just them... to me, that is beyond naive...

i doubt many of the actual politicians believe that, but i think the rank and file cookie cutter neo con types do...

how many laws do you need to see that stack the deck in favor of the top percentage before people start looking for blood???

im all for storming the bastille... it was one of the most righteous acts of violent murder ive ever learned about... time to take a lesson from the french... with people actually believing the system is their only option, theyll just keep getting ripped off... when will people realize that they can do what they want and take what is rightfully theirs if they so choose???

the worst crime against man is making them believe they have no choice but to play by these rules... so annoying... just take yours... as individuals we aint sh1t, but its soooo easy to band together... we just need more backbone and less cowardly timid bullsh1t...