Quote Originally Posted by mvbrown21 View Post
You guys might think that I don't understand what you're talking about, but I do, and I just like my "path" better. Period.

I can tell you one thing though, both you and Graham are losing some serious credibility by all the crap talking you both do. I understand that one can only "feeeeeel " certain things. But I would like to actually "seeeeee " both of you do something! If not Chi Sao, then why not forms, drills, etc. I think everyone in this forum is dying to "seeeee " how close you guys actually look to Mr. Bayer(whom I have respect for). And then, only then, will you possibly, actually be taken a little more seriously! So let's "seeeee " something fellas. We might not "seeeee " what you want us to see but we'll definitely know whether you're credible or not!

And just on a side note, don't even try to point out that there's no demos coming from Joy. When either one of you actually have articles published in "Inside Kung Fu" magazine, then you can skip it and we'll take you seriously.

I'm mean come on, you both sound like a couple of Protestants who claim that the Catholic church did nothing for Christianity!!!
Just as a side-note: Having an article in Inside Kung-Fu is by no means a measure of quality considering the crap they often publish. Not a jab at Joy, just stating the way things are...