Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
We have seen the likes of Chuck Lidell and Randy Couture, amongst others, as fighters that have a preference for a certain range and what happens to them when they get caught outside that range OR even when they get bested in THAt range.

Always good to have more than one way to lick a *****.
Im going to disagree with you for once!

all fighters have a preference for a certain range, but to say chuck or randy didnt practise all ranges or werent comfortable on the ground or wrestling would be wrong.

chuck was a great wrestler as well as stand up guy, very good at getting back to his feet, cant think of many that put him on his back he lost a few fights in his prefered zone, and in those fights its not like he was getting thrashed and didnt have anywhere else to take the fight, he didnt need to take them to the ground because he was doing very well until the bomb dropped

randy was a good boxer and great wrestler, good on his feet and on the ground, its not like he wouldnt fight standing, or wouldnt take the guy down or would only stay in one range