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Thread: it is just biomechanics

  1. #1

    it is just biomechanics

    Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post

    You believe 2 doors, snake engine, 6 direction vector force, ... all those "solo" training" can make you a better fighter...........
    First, I would like to warn anyone who doesnt like my post to ignore this post, if it is not fit your taste, please do not read it.

    Reading the above post from YKW give me an indication of some reader doesnt know what I am talking about.


    I like to make clear what is the 2 doors, snake engine, 6 direction vector force, 20Ch in a very layman term and common sense.

    2 universal door

    if you take a investigation on Advance Internal Chinese martial art training from ancient to present creation, all over china, Be it

    the Shao Lin's Yi Jing Jing (Alter Sinews),
    Shao Lin's Xi SUi jing (Bone marrow washin),
    Shao Lin's Bo Dong Xing ( in move able heart)
    Emei 12 Zhuang,
    Wu Dang's Tai Ji,
    Six Healing Sound,
    Xing Yi's San ti shi
    Yee Chuan's Zhang Zhuang.

    Disregards of how their external shape from these system are

    One will find two common universal common denominator or basic of the basic --- that is Loose and Silence.

    That is the two doors I am referring. It is not my invention but a common denominator which is needed to attain before any of the above training could start and have result.

    Loose is just a biomechanical handling so that one be able to sense, diagnostic, de-program/program one's physical handling.

    Silence is just a Neuron handling so that one be able to aware, diagnostic, de-prgram/program one's neuron pattern.

    Take power generation basic as an example,

    The human's hip/thigh join, the waist/spine, the shoulder join coul be view and a four wheel drive car, with the hip/thigh is the two back wheel, the waist/spine as the transmission shaft, and the shoulder join is the two front wheel.

    Now, in the power generation or Fajing. These three parts has to be sync and handling in a different way to produce different type of Jin.

    In order to carry out the above, one needs a body which one has a accurate, precise, effective, and efficient handling.

    So, All the above TCMA art listed rely on the Door of Loose to go to each section of the body to know it to work at it and to condition it differently depend on each individual style's need. No matter how different their stye are their all has to enter from the Door of Loose. Otherwise the physical work cannot be done properly. By passed this step will be similar to those who think they can Fajin but doesnt have a clear handling between the hip/thigh join and waist/spine because those part is a big piece which is stuck together, so Fajing in that case is muddy and sluggist and it is not effective and efficient at all but lots of brute force.

    Now Take the example of perfom under Pressure as most always said can you do it under pressure.

    The human mind is an computation and execution machine. This machine in general for the untrain is running on automatic. It chats, It run into stuck shutdown or freeze the physical body/ breating in Trauma, run into tunnel vision when force concentration.. ..etc.
    if one cannot slow it down and lead it with Awareness or conciousness which is behind the mind. one has no control of it.

    So, Chinese when design the above List of training knows, in order to do the physical body job, one needs to have a handle of the mind. and thus, slowing down the mind or leading the mind in a clear direction is the Silence training.

    That is the Door of silence.

    We often heard about in the old time one needs to practice stance for 3 months prior to punching. That three months is to have the Two Doors training. However, most lost this part of the training and most who train in it doesnt know what they are training is about. Standing in the stance get stress out or force the mind to patient. ... etc. getting torture similar to in the Shaw's brother Kung Fu movies is not the way of the training, it is a missed leading in fact great. and due to there is no result slowly and gradually one doesnt do those type of standing in stance training any more in these days.

    But, see what is missed? the whole fundation is totally missed. and how can one has a decent kung fu when one jump from kindle garden to College without knowing how to add? it is a totally mess.

    Now, these two doors got nothing todo with Zen, Dao, Chinese Culture, Religion, Dao de Ching saying...... etc it is purely Biomechanics and Neuron programming training aim to handle and alter and evolve one's mind-body.

    Missing this point is missing the whole thing. Some keep argue with me and even call me a narrow minded...... etc. Well, disregard of open minded or close minded or narrow minded or broad minded. if We dont satisfy the mind and body nature or the Biomechanics and Neuron mechanics it simpy doesnt work. That is the bottom line.

    So, the SLT/SNT how is the SLT/SNT training will make any sense if it is not entering these two doors? That is the question for every WCner.

    Snake Engine Training

    What is a snake engine training?

    Imagine you have coil spring like this

    Snake engine training is just said, EVERY section of the sping needs to be unsync and move together accordingly so that there is no weak link and it could produce the best optimum result when it is compress or bounce... or pull.....etc.

    Remember Your BJ set which is teching the concept of holistic unity Body structure and dynamic?

    Snake engine training is BJ set's "back bone" supporting the execution of the BJ set concept and dynamic's operation.

    6 Dircetional force vectors

    Take the Coil spring above.

    In a three dimensional space, I coil spring in the automobile suspension system will face the shock from the left-right, up-down, forward -back ward direction with all of the combination of these direction.

    So, to be a coil spring in the suspension system, the coild spring better be able to sustain and handle all the different direction and combination of different directions.

    Similarly, any point of ones' structure has to be able to do what the coil spring does. otherwise it will break down.

    Now, looking at the snake engine training and the six directional force vectors. it just said the body and structure is train and condition similar to a coil spring for handling all different condition which is in the 3 dimensional space.

    20 Channels of Qi flow medirians coverage

    Qi flow can be think as hydraulic system of the mechanical system

    the 12 normal medirians channel coverage is for handling the hand/feet action syncronized root-unroot with the breathing coordination

    the 8 special medirians channel coverage is for handling different direction of motion, displacement and/or angling.

    IE: Ren Du medirian is handling the forward and backward motion.

    So, the above are clearly a biomechanical and Neuron system technology which is independent with religion, spiritual, culture.

    All These stuffs is in a totally different realm with solo training it is actually an instantaneous handling training.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 05-20-2011 at 11:00 AM.

  2. #2
    As for the power/momentum generation,
    in general there are two types

    1, explode type which explode while expanding
    2, implode type which explode while contracting

    The basic elements or source of these two types of power generation are a combination of

    a, sinking power
    b, friction power
    c, streching/contracting /twisting/elastic power
    d, opposition power.

    all these are supported by the previous post elements. It is all aim at split second execution and instantaneous action.

    These all above are a brief summary of what I am talking about in this forum for years.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 05-20-2011 at 10:54 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Wonderful explanation.

  4. #4
    Since now we know about the core of fajing
    "the four wheel and the transmission shaft" in the previous post.

    Look at one advance style of TCMA,

    Pay attention to the four wheel and the transmission in the following clip. that is where the core of fajing handling kung fu is

    Also, compare the following within the catagory of the snake engine and the 20 Ch.

    and ask a question, do our SLT/SNT training cover these elements and has this depth in details?

    Now look at the mma

    use the above basic biomechanics elements to evaluate how much the body satisfy these basic biomechancis keys elements? They dont have to practice TCMA but how is their body performance cover the keys of biomenchanics? how much coverage?

    WCK do it differently because it is a different style however, does WCK's practice satisfy the biomechanical elements and par with the above different style and mmA?

    In another words, does your WCK training give you the coverage in basic biomechanics to handle these people above?

    These above bring up a political incorrect but important for WCK question.

    1, the YJKYM , elbow to center line...with the forward intention....ect Does those really satisfy the basic biomechanics elements needed in a dynamic situation such as mmA?

    2, Lap Nim, Nim lik Does lap Nim , Nim lik describe the above biomechanics and neuron programing clearly?

    3, Practice the "sam bai fut" section slowly. is that a partial or full activation of the whole body biomechanics?

    All of these are political incorrect questions in WCK world, but the reality is how can these typical WCK practice satisfy the basic of biomechanics? is it full? partial? is it static capable? is it dynamic capable? From these we know the boundary or limits.

    IMHO, WCners needs to get pragmatic and honest with ourself and know our bottom line.

    enjoy Jenifer's song here my message is in the lyrics
    Last edited by Hendrik; 05-20-2011 at 12:10 PM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    First, I would like to warn anyone who doesnt like my post to ignore this post, if it is not fit your taste, please do not read it.
    Since you have mentioned my name in your 1st post of this thread, I have to response to you.

    Do you want to have a "friendly" open discussion, or do you just want people to listen to your opinion and remain silence?
    Last edited by YouKnowWho; 05-20-2011 at 12:26 PM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
    Do you want to have an open discussion, or do you just want people to listen to your openion and remain silence?

    This is a forum, sure it is open for every one.

  7. #7
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    My 1st response is

    Combat =

    1. 時間(Shi Jian) timing +
    2. 機会(Ji Hui) opportunity +
    3. 角度(Jiao Du) angle +
    4. 力的使用(Li De Shi Yong) Fajin +
    5. 平衡(Ping Heng) balance

    The Fajin is only 1/5 requirement in that equation.

    All requirements will need "partner training" and not just "solo training". Only the "partner training" can "develop" your skill and "test" your skill. The "solo dirll/form traing" can only "polish" your skill. The "solo equipment training" can only "enhance" your skill. You have to developed and tested your skill first before you can "polish" and "enhance" it.

    I still stand on my ground that "solo training only" won't make you a good fighter. Without a life opponent who stands in front of you, the word, timing, opportunity, angle, ... will have no meaning.

  8. #8
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    Solo training is for the building of attributes such as speed and strength and power, partner training is for the application and development of them in the practical sense.
    While one can maintain a "fighting condiitioning" with solo training, it is only after many YEARS of partner training that it can be done.
    And I found no mention of biomechanics in that post at all.
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  9. #9
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    I have seen many TCMA masters who had excellent foundation, Fajin, and speed. But when they entered their 1st toutrnament, everything was thrown out of the window. After that day, I no longer had faith in "solo training only" Old Chinese saying said, "If you don't train with your partner for 3 days, you hands and legs will no longer be yours." Sometime I even asked people to train with me for free just because I need training partner.
    Last edited by YouKnowWho; 05-20-2011 at 12:58 PM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
    I have seen many TCMA masters who had excellent foundation, Fajin, and speed. But when they entered their 1st toutrnament, everything was thrown out of the window. After that day, I no longer had faith in "solo training only" Old Chinese saying said, "If you don't train with your partner for 3 days, you hands and legs will no longer be yours." Sometime I even asked people to train with me for free just because I need training partner.
    Well...I wouldn't go THAT far, but I do think that unless someone has had a long and solid "sparring career" that solo training is not going to be of much practical value.
    That said, you can't grapple without a partner, period.
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  11. #11
    grappling solo im still laughing

  12. #12
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    Of course it's better to have sex with your love one. If you don't have a love one, solo is still better than no solo at all.

    - Running is better than walking.
    - Walking is better than standing.
    - Standing is better than sitting.
    - Sitting is better than laying down.
    - Laying down is better than to be dead.

    Everything is "relative" and not "absolute".

  13. #13
    1, If Combat is Analogy to racing car.
    This thread is focus on Car's characteristics, maintenance...ect.

    No one said sparing...fighting is no needed ....etc. But the focus is the car and what type of car.

    One has to have a car first only after then one learn how to drive that car....race that car.... that is another part of the equation.

    Car cannot replace learning how to drive and get use to race condition, however, focusing on driving without knowing what car one have is a crude assumption with obvious lost a big part of the equation.

    Taking Combat without taking consideration on what kind of Body and structure one develop is missing a major part and non realistic at all. Take a look at those fighter, how much time did they spend in develop and know their body or "Car"?

    2, There are different type of training in TCMA. The term Solo doesnt cover all training which is done by a person alone.

    For example, the six directional force vectors cultivation is a close loop conditioning instead an Open loop one.

    A simple example of Close loop : one is pushing some one who is resistance the pushing or feedback.. A simple exmple of Open loop: one is like one is pushing into thin air as one likes without any resistance or feedback.

    In the type close loop training, air is a partner, COG is a partner, even when there is no human partner.

    The idea is every part of the body sense and dynamicaly adapt to every situation at every instant to balance out the forces vectors from different direction or angle.

    Thus, it is also called swiming in the air. it is like one moving within the river where every part of one's body simply got to take the flow of the current...etc into instinctive adaptive adjustment.

    That is a part of advance TCMA training.

    to reach that state one needs to loose up every joints/ part of the body to almost feel like " floating in the air".

    If one read Chen Man-Ching's or Wang Xiang-Zai or other top TCMA players' records, one can find these people they spend a lots of their training in the "swiming in the air" to develop and transform their body.

    According to them, Those type of transformation cannot be developed with a Wooden Dummy or a Partner , but Air and only air.

    That type of training is recorded in taichi classic as:

    From "interpreting energy" you will reach a state of shen, Ming (spiritual illumination).
    But without a long period of arduous practice, you will be unable to suddenly possess a clear understanding.

    A feather cannot be added, nor can a fly alight.
    The opponent does not know me, but I alone know him.
    This is to face a matchless hero.
    At this point you attain the highest skill.
    There are numerous other styles of boxing.
    Although there are differences in the postures,
    these other styles do not go beyond strength overcoming weakness and speed conquering slowness;
    those with strength attacking those without strength;
    the quick handed conquering the slow handed.
    These are all just rely on the natural abilities of the body strength you born with. "

    Without entering the two doors, one cannot do this type of Close loop practice.

    This practice exist well in TCMA even thought most doesnt go that far.

    using the same person as reference, before and after one enter the two doors and the six directional force vectors handling, the capability improvement of the person will be more then 2 X in just within a few days and after that will be able to climb a new high propotion to their practice time spend. Not to mention it totally changes one's perspective in body mechanics handling or add a "soul" in their move.

    3, in TCMA, it is said Training Kuen (application for fighting) needs to accompanion with Training in Kung ( body transformation) otherwise when one is aging at old age one got nothing left.

    SLT is a Kung training. I heard from different sources said GM Ipman himself spend hours doing his SLT/SNT. From Sifu Sergio's TST interview to TST which discussing the SLT/SNT one can see the elements of the two doors. Thus, it is something needs to look into seriously.

    Kung is where the smaller / weaker born physical body person can have a chance to defeat the bigger and stronger. Kung is where a simple fighting technic can turn into magic.

    Take a look at Chen Man-Ching or Wang Xiang-Zai they were not big in size... and how Wang Xian-Zai defeated many different styles with ease.

    So, doesnt one know these stuffs exist and have the training? we needs to talk sensible here because WCK or TCMA will not work fully with partial development.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 05-20-2011 at 05:52 PM.

  14. #14
    Hi Hendrick

    In one of your earlier posts you mentioned 4 types or ways of power generation. I believe they were:

    a, sinking power
    b, friction power
    c, streching/contracting /twisting/elastic power
    d, opposition power.

    Would you mind elaborating on them or giving some examples. Are there some styles that favor one over the other?


  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    Hi Hendrick

    In one of your earlier posts you mentioned 4 types or ways of power generation. I believe they were:

    a, sinking power
    b, friction power
    c, streching/contracting /twisting/elastic power
    d, opposition power.

    Would you mind elaborating on them or giving some examples. Are there some styles that favor one over the other?


    These 4 types are the source of the power.

    sinking power is as in the falling step.
    friction power is as in pushing a car.
    Streching/contracting/twisting/elastic power is muscle power.
    opposition power is as pushing one end the swinging door to slam with the opposite end.

    These are the general power SOURCE which one needs to deal with in real life.

    Take an example from this clip

    The "four wheel drive" I mention above is mainly the transportation, the source of the power still these 4 type.

    Look at those mmA KO clips, one will also see how these four types comes into play.

    3, Different style has different way of the make use of these 4 or the combinations.

    FAJING is just mean juggling/ or like a bartender making **** tail from these 4 types of sources.

    Thus, it is easy to missing the point if one mimic-ing the transportation mechanics but miss the sources. that is mimic-ing the look but it is like shooting a gun with no bullet.

    4, those who knows Fajing or Dong Jing is playing. Thus, that borrowing force or using four once to destroy thousand pound saying are actually real because that is how fajing is.

    it is borrowing the power from these source and applied it depend on the condition, timing, motion....etc. Different body structure or stance is for making use of different source and combination purpose.

    5, thus, as i have mention long time ago, YJKYM is not about rooting but levitate. That is because one needs to be in neutral to ride on the force wave instead of stuck. Root is just a sinking source there are other sources and also sinking cannot be permenant. and one has no choice but enter the door of loose and silence to make the YJKYM alive to levitate. YJKYM is just too limited if it is fixed in one position.

    Power generation is an interesting topic. one can spend a life time observe the beauty of different power combination pattern. when these are lump with the six direction force vectors, it becomes a dance in the 3 D space.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 05-20-2011 at 08:56 PM.

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