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Thread: Ip Man and what he said

  1. #61
    Join Date
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    Newcastle australia
    lance why dont you read the rest of the posts

  2. #62
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Good post.... and right on the money.
    The more you know, the more you find you don't know...

  3. #63
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by lance View Post
    Actually Ip Man had 2 - sons Ip Chun and Ip ching and yes , his 2 - sons would know his father ' s wing chun . Where did you get these information from ? Was it from a book ? Just curious , that ' s all . Well . someone is joking with you .
    I guess you missed the post about Yip (Ip) Wah and the posts about being someone's son doesn't mean they learned their father's skills.
    Sifu Phillip Redmond
    Traditional Wing Chun Academy NYC/L.A.


  4. #64

    Ip Man and what he said

    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    This has been thrown around a bit, what Ip Man really said, who he really trained, who he give the "real stuff" too, and blah, blah, blah...
    I really don't pay attention to it or follow it that much, but I do have a question:

    Ip Chun is Ip Man's son right? his heir right?
    Doen't he have the "real" Ip Man WC? and doesn't he KNOW who his father trained and what his father said and so forth?
    Wouldn't HE be the one with the "real history" ?---------------
    Bits and parts of it -yes.The whole picture? No. He and his brother Ip Ching can say and have said that their father trained with Leung Bik...and other things their father or did when they were young. But Ip Man left them in Foshan in 1950 and took his daughter who was to be married in Macau.
    Ip Chun and Ip Ching were not around their father from 1950 to 1962. In 1962 Ip man was winding down his teaching.

    joy chaudhuri
    joy chaudhuri , so you mean to tell me that GM Ip Man also had a daughter besides his 2 sons Ip Chun and Ip Ching ? I did ' nt know that , welll they left that part out in the first Ip Man movie , how interesting . First all these these things about Ip Man and whoi he trained with and who has his real Ip Man WC and now he also has a daughter . So if Ip Man left his 2 - sons in Foshan in 1950 and took his daughter to be married in macau . Then Ip Man probably taught his 2 - sons just enough wing chun skills needed to survive in the streets . Or maybe he taught Ip Chun some wing chun skills that were different from his brother Ip Ching . And they had to learn from eachother . Well , this is just my own opinion .
    Everybody has their own version of Ip Man ' s story on wing chun , anyway . But ,
    thanks for the information .

  5. #65
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    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by Vajramusti View Post

    joy chaudhuri , so you mean to tell me that GM Ip Man also had a daughter besides his 2 sons Ip Chun and Ip Ching ? I did ' nt know that , welll they left that part out in the first Ip Man movie , how interesting .. . . ..
    Movies are just movies. They are made to entertain an audience. Documentaries are a better source if you're looking for facts.
    Sifu Phillip Redmond
    Traditional Wing Chun Academy NYC/L.A.


  6. #66
    Phil- correct. That was Lance not me who asked the question. Following truncated posts in threads can be confusing.
    I don't depend on movies...


  7. #67

    Ip Man and what he said

    Quote Originally Posted by hunt1 View Post
    In the interest of correct history only.

    TST is the longest serving Yip Man student still alive having started with Yip in 1951. He also lived with Yip Man longer than anyone else.

    Eric you may be thinking of Leung Sheung . It is he and to a lesser extent Lok Yui that had a big fall out with Yip Man among Yip's better known students at any rate.

    While he was alive Yip Bo Ching was considered Yips closest protege. He died in his mid 30's a few years before Yip Man died. Even Yip Ching will tell stories about YBC being Yips Man's closest student.
    Hunter , is Yip Bo Ching ( Yip Ching ) ? So what age did Yip Ching get training from his father Yip Man ? And is Yip Bo Ching another WC Sifu ? I want to know . These people all said that negative stuff about my thread so I want to know the true facts .
    That ' s why I ' m asking you . How did Yip Bo Ching died was he sick ?

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by lance View Post
    Hunter , is Yip Bo Ching ( Yip Ching ) ? So what age did Yip Ching get training from his father Yip Man ? And is Yip Bo Ching another WC Sifu ? I want to know . These people all said that negative stuff about my thread so I want to know the true facts .
    That ' s why I ' m asking you . How did Yip Bo Ching died was he sick ?
    Yip Bo Ching and Yip Ching are separate people. Yip Bo Ching contracted what was believed to be hepatitis, and passed away at an early age. A shame, considering he was said to be among Yip Man's top students.

    Yip Ching was said to have started training under his father at the age of 11 or 12, and was said to have practiced his forms every night up until the day he left to join his father in Hong Kong (sometime in 1962).

  9. #69

    Ip Man and what he said

    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    Be nice guys and stay on topic please.
    Sanjuro ronin , well there it is your wing chun facts , these people told me that I
    don ' t know what I ' m talking about , on my thread post reply to your topic posts , so I ' m shutting my mouth . But you ' ll find your wing chun answers in these threads . Just to get answers on something , you have to fight and argue or debate .
    But enjoy yourselves .

    If you like wing chun alot , then better you go and learn from a sifu who trained under GM Ip Man , and just practice . Up to you .

  10. #70
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    Lance ,

    Yip Bo Ching was not Yip Mans son. Different person than Yip Ching. He died about 34 years of age from hepatitis. He taught a very small number of people no more than 6 according to a friend and student of his I met about 10 years ago.

    Yip Man told him teaching would help him get a better understanding of wing chun so he taught some friends of his. He did not charge. He was very wealthy as were most of his friends.

    Yip Bo Ching was a very early student of Yip Man. Started in 1952. He was the first to learn the dummy and the weapons.

    Yip Ching started learning in 1962 after arriving in Hong Kong. He trained along side Moy Yat.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by hunt1 View Post
    Lance ,

    Yip Bo Ching was not Yip Mans son. Different person than Yip Ching. He died about 34 years of age from hepatitis. He taught a very small number of people no more than 6 according to a friend and student of his I met about 10 years ago.

    Yip Man told him teaching would help him get a better understanding of wing chun so he taught some friends of his. He did not charge. He was very wealthy as were most of his friends.

    Yip Bo Ching was a very early student of Yip Man. Started in 1952. He was the first to learn the dummy and the weapons.

    Yip Ching started learning in 1962 after arriving in Hong Kong. He trained along side Moy Yat.
    Did Yip Bo Ching start that late? I've always heard he was the last one to take up Wong Shun-Leung's challenge, which was around 1954?

    Yip Bo Ching apparently left copious notes, though I forgot who ended up with them.
    "Sex on TV doesn't hurt unless you fall off."

  12. #72
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    aelward, From what i was told Yip Bo Ching had been with Yip Man for about 1 year when he met WSL. This is what I was told but it doesn't mean its right. People tend misremember dates as they get older. I think TST or Lo Man Kam could confirm.

    From what I have been told his notes were voluminous . His friends were very surprised when they went to help clean up his things after his death. They apparently contained many things that surprised them.

    It is to bad his notes have never been published as they could clear up many stories.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by hunt1 View Post

    From what I have been told his notes were voluminous . His friends were very surprised when they went to help clean up his things after his death. They apparently contained many things that surprised them.

    It is to bad his notes have never been published as they could clear up many stories.
    Is your source John DiVirgilio? He told me that Yip Bo Ching's sword set was the same as Wong Shun-Leung's set.

    And it's been a while since I've seen Duncan Leung's sword set, but I remember it looking the same.
    "Sex on TV doesn't hurt unless you fall off."

  14. #74
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    aelward, I know John and we have talked for a few minutes about Yip Bo Ching but he is not my source.

    I met a friend/student of Yip Bo Chings through a business associate over a decade ago while importing some items from Hong Kong. He taught me YBC's sword set and a few other things.

    From what I have seen it had some small differences from the WSL 12 section set I have seen but that could be due the the performers. All in all the same stuff which is interesting since YBC learned it in the 50's and WSL didn't learn this set until after YBC died. Interesting because it would mean Yip Man had a core set he did and could teach over the years. Contrary to what many imply about Yip Mans different set's and his forgetting and changing things etc.

  15. #75
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    Rio Rancho New Mexico
    aelward, I know John and we have talked for a few minutes about Yip Bo Ching but he is not my source.

    I met a friend/student of Yip Bo Chings through a business associate over a decade ago while importing some items from Hong Kong. He taught me YBC's sword set and a few other things.

    From what I have seen it had some small differences from the WSL 12 section set I have seen but that could be due the the performers. All in all the same stuff which is interesting since YBC learned it in the 50's and WSL didn't learn this set until after YBC died. Interesting because it would mean Yip Man had a core set he did and could teach over the years. Contrary to what many imply about Yip Mans different set's and his forgetting and changing things etc.

    Have never seen Duncan's set so can't comment.

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