Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
lol, tell that to Cyborg...

srsly, sum women I kno can hang w guys fine, but when skil and size are not in their favor, have a harder time of it than a guy wud (just IMPE);

what I think is more dangerous than women sparring men, is women playing soccer with them, which is fairly common in HS athletics these days..
some women can fight.

maybe "some" is generous. I prefer "few".
Few women can fight.
Few women can hang with a guy in a fight. Even an untrained guy.
Few women do this. Now news there and to try to prop up an illusion taht women are also fighting beasts like men? Nah. They are more rare than gay people and gay people are statistically quite rare. some say 10% of the pop, but stats indicate it's actually less than 5% I wouldn't know what the stats are on female fighters, but they are FEW.

Skill and size and strength and drive to beat the living crap out of someone doesn't have the same level of throb as it does within a man, particularly a young man.

It's a waste of time to have them spar together on the median. I personally don't do it and won't do it. women fight women, kids fight kids and men fight men and the better they all get at it the more you can narrow it into more and more egalitarian aspects that will help to continue to improve the skills in all until the law of diminishing returns kicks in.

a woman facing a man in sparring all the time will not likely succeed in the median sense.

That which doesn't kill you doesn't necessarily make you stronger. Sometimes it cripples you, or seriously effects your mind in such a way that you can't go on.

Bravado counts for nothing when you are up against a superior opponent contextually on every level.