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Thread: females in traditional chinese martial arts

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by Jian View Post

    so i think it is possible for a male to train with a female (and benefit) even if he's much physically stronger and could outpower her... but if it's a matter of personal preference, sure, you don't have to work with women if you don't find it helpful.
    yep, I agree. Men and Women can share some aspects of training together.

    sometime the learning environment we create for ourselves as martial artists is contradictory to what an environment of learning should be for a martial artist.

    ergo, no women sparring men and vice versa and no kids with adults.
    It takes too long for anyone to get halfway proficient when they are not working wit the best possible materials.

    Some say "poor is the carpenter who blames his tools"
    But I say : "poor is the carpenter who's only tool is a hammer and who can only see every project as nails to be banged in".

    Not all aspects of martial arts can be serviceable in a cross gender way.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  2. #47
    Join Date
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    SF, California
    thanks! i appreciate your sentiments (below)... i also train in the west coast and have found folks here very open-minded. i personally prefer training at schools with mixed genders too. i've read some comments in other threads and actually expected folks to be more conservative, and have been surprised to find support for both women and gay folks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon_Ray_Brooks View Post
    So, I'm learning through this forum that I don't think I know or understand this "TCMA" community that we keep talking about. With respect to our club and the clubs we're related to in other cities that I've visited, we have a tradition of strong women. We put them through the same thing as we do men. It's hard, some of them break, some of the men break. Some of the women who do not, can and will hurt you and it makes me proud.

    I completely disagree with segregating men and women in training. As for culture, I grew up a chivalrous southerner, but I smack the women in our club around every week and they smack me. I think from a self defense standpoint, women are much more likely to need to defend themselves against men than another women, so, they need to train that way. I can't speak for all styles, but if it really just comes down to who is bigger and stronger, why are we doing this? Your fate is written, no need to train.

    As for cheating, yeah, absolutely, always cheat in a fight, man or woman. It's a fight, you're trying to win and not get hurt. We are expert cheaters.

    Gays? Sadly I think rather than a question for the TCMA Community, it's a question of time and geography. I live on the west coast of the US in the year 2011 and almost no one has a hangup about ****sexuality here. I know it's not that way everywhere. I think some day it might be, but it's going to take a long time in some places. Again, women need to be able to defend themselves, sadly so do gays, especially gay men, who still are subject of bashing sometimes, even on the west coast. Why wouldn't you want to train them if they and you thought it might help? I realize we could argue about that, but those are my views and it's not worth trying to convince me otherwise.

    I don't see that glass ceiling in my circles.

    Well....yeah. Was that in question?

    You know, I don't know if this is a martial arts question or not. I'm a married, straight male and before I knew gay men and women personally, I had some fears associated with them. Now that I do, I understand how unfounded they are. Gay men like gay men, they don't feel attraction to women or straight men. Same with gay women, it's got nothing to do with me. I have plenty of friends/coworkers etc in each camp and my relationship with them is exactly the same as it is with straight men and women. Certainly reason not to train with someone on this point. My personal views, probably not that uncommon on the west coast, I realize it's not that way everywhere.

    There is no telling how many closeted football/baseball/basketball players, actors, politicians, pop stars etc there are or for that matter friends and family members we each have. Someday they won't be and we'll have to deal with the fact that people we like, were comfortable with yesterday, who are good at their jobs and maybe even great UFC fighters have a fondness for members of their own gender.

    So, i was just lamenting that I get attacked on this forum for posting things about kung fu training that I don't think should be controversial and here I am posting something that I know some people will take strong exception to. Flame on if you must.

    I'm sorry about your friend's negative experience.

  3. #48
    Join Date
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    somewhere in the mountains
    Here is Sifu Gus's female student sparring a man in Wong Peoples tournament.
    Some people's kids!

  4. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razaunida View Post
    I agree, particularly with sensitivity training, but there is a degree where you need to kick things up a notch and women usually opt to watch at that point.
    fine, fine, i think you've made your point . i still think that among all women and men there's a great diversity that is not being acknowledged. there is always the barbie doll woman and rail thin guy as well females such as the Cyborg and Lana Stefanac. my guess is you'd rather spar with lana stefanac.

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by V.O.R. View Post
    Here is Sifu Gus's female student sparring a man in Wong Peoples tournament.
    Nice! How many like her in Gus' school?
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  6. #51
    Join Date
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    SF, California
    cool, thanks for sharing

    Quote Originally Posted by V.O.R. View Post
    Here is Sifu Gus's female student sparring a man in Wong Peoples tournament.

  7. #52
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    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by Jian View Post
    fine, fine, i think you've made your point . i still think that among all women and men there's a great diversity that is not being acknowledged. there is always the barbie doll woman and rail thin guy as well females such as the Cyborg and Lana Stefanac. my guess is you'd rather spar with lana stefanac.
    Jian - Be careful.

    Cyborg and other woman fighters are outliers. There are so few of them, that is the only category they fit into.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  8. #53
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    He most honors my style who learns under it to destroy the teacher. -- Walt Whitman

    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    As a mod, I don't have to explain myself to you.

  9. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    Jian - Be careful.

    Cyborg and other woman fighters are outliers. There are so few of them, that is the only category they fit into.
    it doesn't matter if they are currently outliers given the present involvement of female martial artists.they are still women. to even have a woman participate thousands of years ago, period, was an outlier too.. but times have changed. this is why i'm curious about the current sentiment and intention of chinese martial artists here.. and whether there is support.

    that being said, i think the thread as moved far from chinese martial arts and focused excessively on sparring ability, fighting and brute strength (male vs female). i'm going to focus my attention back on the original thread.

    thanks to everyone for posting!
    Last edited by Jian; 06-16-2011 at 11:49 AM.

  10. #55
    that is good, she must have had to overcome lots of conditioning.

    Or she is low class and was never taught to be soft or refined.

    The Tanya Hardings and Latina Cholos don't count in my assesment of women fighting.

    Just middle class white girls which is the majority of American ladies.

  11. #56
    Join Date
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    somewhere in the mountains
    that is good, she must have had to overcome lots of conditioning.

    Or she is low class and was never taught to be soft or refined.

    The Tanya Hardings and Latina Cholos don't count in my assesment of women fighting.

    Just middle class white girls which is the majority of American ladies.
    Latina Cholo's? I thought female cholo's were called "CHOLA's"?

    so i guess "UNITED RACE" is really talking about the WHTIE race by using a latin name.

    Elitists have little penuses
    Some people's kids!

  12. #57
    Join Date
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    what should i do if i do push hand with a lady and i get bonner

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  13. #58
    Join Date
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    Seattle, WA
    If the goal of your school is to train fighters for competition, then I think there is some validity to the "women shouldn't spar with men" rule.

    If the goal of your school is to train people in personal self defense, they must if they are training to defend themselves against men. Same with weight classes, if your goal is real world self-defense, you don't get to pick the size or gender of your opponent, so you shouldn't train that way.

  14. #59
    Once I was at a temple doing push hands with a hot female monk. I touched her nai nai by accident and I got a boner. I kept going high and she would do liu to contract and pull back into her nai, I think she liked it. Her nipple got hard.

    Good for her and good for me.

  15. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razaunida View Post
    that is good, she must have had to overcome lots of conditioning.

    Or she is low class and was never taught to be soft or refined.

    The Tanya Hardings and Latina Cholos don't count in my assesment of women fighting.

    Just middle class white girls which is the majority of American ladies.

    so, by your analysis...
    -- if they are feminine, soft, and refined (which by definition is tied in with less "ability" or "nature" to fight or take a hit).. that constitutes "femaleness". since those females can't fight, therefore they should not train with men.

    -- if they are strong and can fight, then therefore they are not truly ladies and are not women, and don't count in the assessment of women fighting.

    you've already defined the parameters to make your argument.

    yes, yes, some of the posters here see women as sexual objects not as martial artists, i expected that. nice.
    Last edited by Jian; 06-16-2011 at 12:04 PM.

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