Quote Originally Posted by Zenshiite View Post
It's called a balanced diet and an active lifestyle.

Honestly, I've been vegan for 13 years and the only times I've felt particularly weak or tired is when I'm not active. If you're not getting a good sweat on a few times a week, you're going to feel a bit weak, but I reckon that's pretty much the same deal for most folks. The only other factor is an imbalanced diet. I had a horrible diet earlier in my vegan transition with lots of veggie burgers and garbage food. I actually dropped a ton of weight and muscle that way, and ended up around 150 lbs. After a getting married I packed on muscle when I was active by way of getting a balanced diet because my wife is an excellent cook. I've gotten a bit of a gut now because I found myself indulging in vegan junk foods like vegan cheesesteaks and pizza and what not. I'm working to get rid of that, but like all belly fat it's stubborn. Soon as I got active again though, my energy levels shot through the roof.
After 10 years vegan, and a few years before being vegetarian, I lacked overall energy and had kidney energy issues that weren't being resolved with just chinese herbs. I was consistently active and had a good to excellent diet the whole time I was vegan. I've come to believe there are other factors.