in a rural town a few hours out of vancouver there were a group of kids who lured peda[hiles to public spaces then dressed up as superheroes and verbally assaulted them with things like "this man is here to have sex with a child!!!" and stuff like that. anyways, the cops were pis$ed right off and made them stop.

my question is this:
if a few 16 year olds can do this, why dont the police? i mean, sure they do a bit. but how many arrests do you think they get a year? even in the big cities?

i know, beyond a shadow of a doubt that i could net about 10 a day without entrapping anyone. all you have to do is log in as a kid and respond favorably to the perverts. sink the hook and real em in. and if it were up to me, i'd continue the metaphor and hit em over the head with a club till they were dead. why even allow these folks to live? if u can prove beyond a doubt that somebody for sure 100% went after a child in that manner, by all means, kill em...