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Thread: Baji

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  1. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by RAF View Post
    Thank you Omar for your kind reference.

    Yep! Omar, I am always amused at that story--Ding ZiCheng--in his 40s knocking over a 20 something Liu with 10 years of baji training. LOL

    I always wondered why the Wu Tan clan didn't become more fascinated with Ding ZiCheng and his 6 Harmony mantis and Wu style taiji and this "soft" approach instead of the obsessional quest of power via the baji system--I think it might have been the idea of killing someone with one shot--very efficient. LOL

    Everyone seems to have become overly attached, in my opinion, to Li Shu Wen, who I think could possibly have had some pretty heavy sociopathic tendencies. LOL You have to wonder what the big draw is to baji on a deep psychological level--but that is for another time and place--I really do like the baji training beyond the xiao baji posture holding. LOL
    If I remember correctly;

    Zhang Xiang San was the first disciple of Ding.

    He carried the school name and taught publicly 6 harmony mantis in Taiwan.

    GM Liu never taught 6 harmony publicly.

    only on a rare occasion that he showed his 6 harmony mantis.

    It was out of respect of the school name and for the first disciple etc.

    Correct me if I am wrong.

    Last edited by SPJ; 12-03-2011 at 08:38 AM.

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