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Thread: TMA in modern times

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  1. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Salt Lake City Utah
    Quote Originally Posted by Yao Sing View Post
    Wow, way to inspire the troops there. Fight back much?

    Let me guess, your MMA right? Don't bother if you've never done it before for real, So how do you get that first experience?

    Seriously, where does the ASSumption come from that the guy carrying the gun or knife has never been in an actual fight? This comes up so often in these forums and usually spoken by a MMA guy that thinks the only fights that ever happen are at sanctioned sporting events.

    The guy with experience ALWAYS WINS right?
    Wow did I step on your toes or what? Don’t be so sensitive.
    I am not MMA. Seriously what MMA guy would call himself “KungFuBiker. I am a student of the Traditional Chinese Martial Arts.

    The point I guess I was trying (poorly I suppose) to make is that having a CCP or studying martial arts does not automatically make one into some kind of bad ass. A good combination of training and experience are required. Someone with experience, who’s not afraid to hit or be hit, is going to have the advantage over one who has done nothing but train. And yes the reverse also may hold true, someone with extensive training could quite probably win out over a street brawler who has had no training at all.

    As I said previously A COMBINATION OF TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE are what will win the fight, and I believe this would hold true whether armed or unarmed.
    Last edited by KungFuBiker; 01-12-2012 at 12:57 PM.
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