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Thread: Slu Lin tau ko kuit from red boat

  1. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by CFT View Post
    I see. I wondered if it was that. 撐
    Yes。you are correct。My opps. I have made the correction on the main writing above.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 03-06-2012 at 08:26 AM.

  2. #17
    The following are my brief introduction on tcma and yik kam teaching to help those who like to understand the ancient.


    A, 中国傳统有气功的武功一般有三个層次.

    1, 固本功夫練: 意靜,形正, 气順. 做到意形气相合為一
    2, 應用功夫練 : 換勁,气勢, 心神. 所謂: 气連心意隨時用, 打破身式無遮攔
    3, 養生功夫練 : 变化精神气貭. 所謂:進人无為而无不為.

    B. 但是練習气功, 不等於練習換勁, 或練習气勢. 不得換勁气勢真傳則不是武功. 有武功未必有气功.

    C. 气功為两件事,一為養气,一為使气自然通行. 內气就會壯大.

    D. 气功3个极其重要的关键点:

    1, 心息则神安,神安则气足,气足则血旺,血气流畅 = 养气
    2, 血气本来可以自然流通,却不可作意去使它流通。当排除其阻碍物,使得天然发展。= 任运
    3, 身松,心静, 呼吸順自然

    E. 气聚丹田是為了身体能量可以蓄存在人体中樞養壯而不散耗.
    精神,肉体,与气是三樣一体. 耗其中一樣其它就散.所以養气是很重要的.
    會合真氣於丹田,引導氣脈週轉為安神入靜之功。非一般的 : 鼓氣小腹,用力強求,求氣團硬氣功類之事。

    中國文化自1850變化太多。技術層面涉及太廣。不是現代人有足夠常識和邏輯去了解。現在標出五部架構以便 習者可以的見全貌。


    呼吸部在說明: 腹部呼吸増加呼吸量。順腹部呼吸的養氣。和逆腹部呼吸的減少體內淤血。



    動功之名列如下:峨嵋十二庒天字庒蛇行蛹動通背勁等。馬禮堂行功之濟陰歩。乾坤歩。熊行步。意拳神龜出水。 八段锦背後七顛。李鳳山平摔功。峨嵋虎歩功。



    是說直奪中線中門內。截其陰陽雙魚之中破其內勁變化之機。佔據住中門內逼其在外門來搶救。我以逸代勞。致人 而不致於人。他需長途反攻而我居主位只需移分寸行生勊制化之。縦他內功深厚以勢破之。


    是說用其一鼔作氣之攻勢橫欄其主力。表面上避讓實借其人之力封其人之路。不花一力鎖之以靠近直 到中門內。


    是說用身上六弓之勁分合化走驚彈。蛇行蛹動之功粘貼纒挷困。造其勢不執於形。故曰。來留去送。以靜制動。脫 手直冲。剛柔並用。


    1. 六弓 =發動器=腕。肘。肩。胯。膝。踝。
    六方向合力 = 組合力類型(成效).

    2. 六方向合力有靜態或動態.

    六方向合力靜態 = 球面形.
    六方向合力動態 =

    一個六方向合力發勁擊打動作一般涉及: 自由落體運動,摩擦,力矩,角加速度,槓桿.行動反應. 組合
    (free fall, friction, torque, angular acceleration, lever principle, action reaction) combination.

    一般的日字衝拳通常擁有四方向合力 (前,後,上,下) (vector of x,-x,y,-y) .
    如果僅僅是只用手腕,肘,肩發出. 那麼它只有三力 = 三弓.
    如果用全 腕,肘,肩.胯,膝,踝發出.那麼它有六力 = 六弓.

    3. 發出動態方向合力越多越難接. 類似發出旋轉球. 六方向合力比四方向合力難破.
    框架結構靜態方向合力越多越穩定. 類似球面形.

    4. 相同的手法. 由於控制不同會有不同方向合力組合.

    Last edited by Hendrik; 03-06-2012 at 11:23 AM.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    North London, England
    Quote Originally Posted by CFT View Post
    I will try Hendrik. I take it that you are 涂福如?

    Just a quick description of the sections to whet the appetite:

    1. The transmisson/family tree from Yik kam through the Cho family
    2. Training essentials
    3. The Siu Lin Tau song/kuit/lyrics
    I have heard about Yik Kam being the female lead before but the training in Opera is not to be confused with the Wing Chun system we see today. The Cho Family were Martial Artists too, not performers as far as I know, studying more than Wing Chun and some would say they're influences are more Shaolin based, not much to do with Emei Mountain.

    It is a very interesting read and I am sure it will make more sense with your translations as I am far too amateur in my Chinese
    Ti Fei

  4. #19
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    Aug 2003
    Spencer, I am amateur too. I am British Born Chinese so the PRC probably don't even class me as Chinese since I don't speak Putonghua. I did have the benefit of weekend language classes for ... oooh ... 15yrs so I did pick something up. But CMA and TCM are a whole different beast!

    This will need a heck of a lot of polishing:

    「小練頭歌訣 」
    Siu Lin Tau lyrics


    Gather the yi (intention), join with the shen (spirit), even shoulder stance.
    Raise the hands in front, split into yin and yang.

    Left leg steps out has good or evil. Right leg crouches power (ging) is tightly stored.

    Join the dantien, the Du channel descends. Right arm whips out with horizontal power.

    Miraculous claws under sleeve side. Naturally circling follow the channels (mak) and breath (qi).

    Back of hand faces out, spirit and intention are complete. Flip palm, grasp and twist towards chest

    Single horizontal mutual support harmonized breath transport. Double hold, sink body, body power divides horizontally.

    Frontal feint emergency use, capturing (kam) and subduing (fuk) methods. Lower split double wing flight pressed (lower attack makes escape difficult?)

    Double palms thrust through the heart. Sink the guanyuan* attack upwards.

    * Meaning Guan, storage; yuan, primordial Qi. The point is a storage place for the primordial Qi of the body. Location 3 cun below the umbilicus.

    Rely on nature, the channels are composed. Project palm, crook elbow, single facing sun (chaoyang?)

    Upper lower flying flowers, power (ging) channels unimpeded. Swallow spit like the rainbow, power projection polestar.

    Lower close guanyuan, Buddha hand. Rely on nature, the channels grow.

    This is an advanced method. A unique practice to clear barriers and start enlightenment.

    Annotation: Try researching the Emei 12 zhuang kuit and the Fujian White Crane historical records to extract meaning from the Siu Lin Tau lyrics/kuit.

  5. #20

    Thanks and appreciate for your help !

    This is good enough for first draft. As you know the classical Chinese always refer to this to that old text.... So one can improve many times. If I am going to translate it most people will be lost on what I am talking about. Not to mention my broken English.

    The bottom line is we know this kuit exist for real and we know we have it so we can keep investigate it depend on one's interest.

    Thanks again.


    A better meaning translation for
    "Miraculous claws under sleeve side. "
    Pay attention to the finger, claws, and the under sleeve side.

    This stanza is Souce from emei 12 zhuang writing 神寄掌心䄂㡳旁. with description on different finger, palm technics ...ect. Which is embeded within the slt motion. I leave it for you all who is interested to look into further.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 03-06-2012 at 01:08 PM.

  6. #21
    Join Date
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    North London, England
    Looking at your translation Chee this piece, I think, is a Wing Chun treasure

    Thanks for sharing Hendrik
    Ti Fei

  7. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by LoneTiger108 View Post
    Looking at your translation Chee this piece, I think, is a Wing Chun treasure

    Thanks for sharing Hendrik

    Slt internal traning process that is what it is when one decode it.

    Thanks the cho who preserve it for generations.

  8. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by CFT View Post
    Yik Kam taught Cho Son
    Cho Son taught his son Cho Dak Sing
    Cho Dak Sing taught his son Cho Chuen and same family branch Cho On
    Cho On first taught Cho Hung Choi
    Cho Hung Choi taught To Fook Yu (Hendrik Santos) in Penang, Malaysia

    Hendrik, what became of the Cho Family since you left for the US? From accounts I read, the Cho Family no longer teaches their family art in Penang nor is there a kwoon to carry on the Cho Family teachings.

  9. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by fan View Post
    Hendrik, what became of the Cho Family since you left for the US? From accounts I read, the Cho Family no longer teaches their family art in Penang nor is there a kwoon to carry on the Cho Family teachings.

    I am not clear after I left and my sifu passed away.

    However, GM Cheong Wai Po is still teaching his version of art today in my understanding.

  10. #25
    Join Date
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    Boston, MA

  11. #26
    there are different version of Cho Gar art. here another one.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I think that people should now understand why Hendrik feels so strongly about the link between Cho Gar WCK and Emei 12 zhaung& Fujian WC. The kuit is very particular in its use of language. It is not just generic CMA or even generic WCK kuit.

  13. #28
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    North London, England
    Quote Originally Posted by fan View Post
    Hendrik, what became of the Cho Family since you left for the US? From accounts I read, the Cho Family no longer teaches their family art in Penang nor is there a kwoon to carry on the Cho Family teachings.
    I didn't see anyone mention Sifu Ku Choi Wah who has reprenentatives in Malaysia and Singapore
    Ti Fei

  14. #29
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    North London, England
    Quote Originally Posted by CFT View Post
    I think that people should now understand why Hendrik feels so strongly about the link between Cho Gar WCK and Emei 12 zhaung& Fujian WC. The kuit is very particular in its use of language. It is not just generic CMA or even generic WCK kuit.
    To be honest, I don't think many people will care either way about what Hendrik is attempting to present because very few people have really looked into the language of our art.

    I agree that the specific lines he is sharing are not generic kuen kuit as we are familiar with, as they are instructions not advice lines. But they are still quite common to traditional Chinese Martial Arts, and dare I say some Taichi influence is definitely present in the opening and expressions

    Gather the yi (intention), join with the shen (spirit), even shoulder stance.
    Raise the hands in front, split into yin and yang.

    Left leg steps out has good or evil. Right leg crouches power (ging) is tightly stored.

    This for example is classical Taichi Hoisik from my understanding and experience. Check the similarity to this opening set

    Wing Chun from Ip Man does not do this. Wing Chun prior to Ip Man does not do this. So at some point did we change from stepping out with the left leg to opening the toes into kim yeung ma, or as I practise heel to toe to kim yeung ma (as in traditional southern arts)??

    Still a treasure in all respects, but we shouldn't get carried away with fantasy ideals that may have had little to no influence on modern Wing Chun for very good reasons
    Last edited by LoneTiger108; 03-07-2012 at 05:27 AM.
    Ti Fei

  15. #30

    This for example is classical Taichi Hoisik from my understanding and experience. Check the similarity to this opening set [url][/url]

    ((similarity does not mean the same.I do NOT seea taiji influence))

    Wing Chun from Ip Man does not do this. Wing Chun prior to Ip Man does not do this. So at some point did we change from stepping out with the left leg to opening the toes into kim yeung ma, or as I practise heel to toe to kim yeung ma (as in traditional southern arts)??

    (Ip Man;s roots are different from Cho's, methinks)


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