Quote Originally Posted by xiao yao View Post
Kevin has a good article on fan che on his website, also theres some information here http://www.mantisquarterly.com/forum...php?t-187.html

As far as I know, only the lineage coming from Cui Shou Shan has zhong lu fan che
In that link the information posted by Ilya was also told to me, almost the same, as what was told to me by Zhou Zhendong. This makes sense since Zhou Zhendong also taught Zhong Lu Fanche to Ilya.

In the post linked by Will (Xiao Yao) there is the story of Li Danbai. Li Danbai is the contemporary of Jiang Hualong.

Fanche Enters Mantis
Li Danbai and Jiang Hualong's collaboration brought these Fanche techniques into Jiang Hualong's Mantis.

When does Fanche appear in Mantis before Li Danbai?
Can anyone name the appearance of Fanche in Mantis before Li Danbai?

Fanche appears in Illustrated Transformations of Luohan Short Strikes, but how do we relate that body of material to anything that we do today?

An article that I wrote called Leaping Fist of Fanche describes key points of fanche and quotes from Luohan Short Strikes.

Where is the clear line of transmission from Luohan Short Strikes to the Praying Mantis of today?

Or is there no line of transmission between Luohan Short Strikes and now?