Quote Originally Posted by EternalSpring View Post
I shall gladly follow this advice!

Oh wow, I can vaguely understand what you mean but I'm sure it'll come clear with more training. How would you view the animal forms in light of the the roads as being methods of delivering mass in 5 different directions?
i have not put very much time into the animals (tiger and snake are the only ones i still practice) i prefer the 5 fists and the linking form for my personal hsing i practice.

maybe in a broad sense the animals do the same thing. for example the snake http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUSEV...5&feature=plcp

it transfers mass in a different direction than any of the five fists.

the dragon goes more up and down etc. one of the things i look for in forms or martial arts movements is what makes it different what angle is it attacking or defending? what direction is my mass going?