Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
You are all bat shit crazy.

We work together to benefit ourselves in our primary drive to survive and procreate. EVERYTHING else is supposed to support that. There mos def is a collective will to survive that is tied in with the individual drive. You can call that morality if you like.

David, your heart pumps blood. I never liked the heart analogy. It's just a remnant of ignorance. Yall need to get over that stuff. If we did have some innate morality, it would be in our heads.
YOur opinion is duly noted, but I haveto ask you, what is it that makes you feel in love? What makes you feel sorry for someone? Etc.

heart is a metaphor for emotional wisdom and isn't literal so, yes, I know what the heart is and that it pumps blood and I am going to guess that you probably understood my inference but I am ok with explaining it further.

Anyway, your personage is not a device for carrying your brain around. lol. You are the entirety of your being. It is not a remnant of ignorance, it is ignorant to deny the emotional content that is within you and to think that you can control that with an on off switch like a math problem. You can't.

That feeling is there whether you want to think it away or not.
If you don't like analogy, that's cool, but be prepared to be stuck in circles of semantics and pedantic drivel and tautological jerk offery.

But if you prefer that, well, whatever floats your boat.

metaphor, allegory, analogy etc are perfectly acceptable forms of communication especially if we can assume everyone has a similar ability to understand.

Literalness and absolutism is often foolish though and invalid long before an analogy or allegory has lost it's connection to a given thing.