Quote Originally Posted by MasterKiller View Post
Yeah, and sometimes you need to fight on volcanoes and in glass-shard filled streets, too.


UFC veteran Dan Lauzon has proven once again why it's never a good idea to get into a street fight, even if you're a professional fighter.

Because your opponent(s) may be packing a knife.

According to a report from The Enterprise, Lauzon got into an altercation with a group of men and was stabbed in the shoulder. He was then transported to a local hospital for treatment.

His brother, current UFC lightweight contender Joe Lauzon, wrote a blog post today in which he said, "everything is okay and it wasn't a big deal as was originally thought."

However, in his rush to get to the emergency room to check on his sibling, "J-Lau" rolled his ankle and suffered what he said doctors called a "bad sprain." Photo of the injury after the jump.