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Thread: Real Life 'Superheroes'

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    an old article

    This story just keeps getting more amusing...
    'Bauhinia woman' highlights growing wealth gap in Hong Kong
    Liu Hsiao-Hsia and Staff Reporter
    08:56 (GMT+8)

    Wan Li, the granddaughter of a former Chinese vice premier, is suspected of being the "Bauhinia Woman" who has been doing charitable work among the poor of Hong Kong. (Composite Photo)

    A masked woman in Hong Kong who has been handing cash and free food to the poor has won the support of the local internet community, highlighting the serious wealth gap which exists in the former British colony.

    "Bauhinia Woman," who wears a blue mask and a tight black outfit, made her first public appearance when she visited 10 families in the Jordan area in mid-May: she gave each family HK$100 (US$12.86) and some some food.

    She said her actions were in response to calls by an American friend, who was inspired by the film Kick-Ass, in which an ordinary young man assumes a superhero persona to help others.

    The use of the flower that represents Hong Kong in her self-given name, she said, came from a classic heroine character — Black Rose — from the 1965 film of the same name.

    Not content with just giving the poor her government allowance of HK$6,000 (US$771) allocated to all permanent adult residents, she said she was encouraging her rich friends to do the same.

    The modern-day heroine said that she had performed similar acts in the past under her real name, adding that she sympathizes with lower-income families in Hong Kong, given that the government's welfare policies have failed to help them.

    While refusing to reveal her true identity, she describes herself on her Facebook profile as a "single working woman" with a good income and hailing from a reputed family. She said she was not seeking fame for her actions.

    "The paparazzi in Hong Kong are very good. If my real identity becomes public, then I can no longer be 'Bauhinia Woman' and will have no power to promote my agenda," she added.

    While Hong Kong's media have been speculating as to the identity of the masked crusader for the poor — ranging from the granddaughter of the former head of China's National People's Congress to a local socialite — Bauhinia Woman has refused to confirm or deny the veracity of any of the speculations.

    Internet users in Hong Kong are quite supportive of her actions and have left encouraging messages on her Facebook page, though Ip Ngo-tung, a member of the Yau Tsim Mong district council, said that despite his respect for Bauhinia Woman's actions, he does not believe that they will help to reduce Hong Kong's wealth divide.

    Ip said that the problem could only be solved by communicating the views and difficulties of residents to the government, which would allow the administration to change its policies.


    Bauhinia Woman 紫荊俠

    Ip Ngo-tung 葉傲冬

    Yau Tsim Mong District 油尖旺區
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Okay, back to Phoenix

    Only because Bauhinia hasn't been newsworthy lately.

    Both articles below have vids if you follow the link.
    VIDEO: Phoenix Jones and crew stop a man hitting people with his belt in Belltown

    Around 2:30am on Sunday morning, a man took off his belt and swung it into a crowd in attempt to hit another man with it after an altercation at 1st and Blanchard in Belltown.

    The altercation was captured on video.

    Rain City Superheroes Phoenix Jones, Midnight Jack, Q, and cameraman Ryan McNamee were on patrol when they noticed a man yelling in the face of another man near the intersection.

    The 1:00 mark in the video shows another man approach the yelling man before getting shoved to the ground. The man who was shoved to the ground got up and attempted to punch the man who shoved him down; Phoenix Jones rushed the scene and helped separate the two men.

    At the 2:08 mark, the man wanted to take another shot after his failed punch by taking off his belt and hitting the other man with it twice before being held back by Jones. Video shows the man holding the belt after he swings it at the man.

    Police drove by the scene at the 2:40 mark and sounded the siren, but didn’t not pull over to see what the commotion was about despite Jones’ waving them to the scene.

    Unlike the video I posted yesterday that took place between 1st and 2nd Avenues on Bell St, this video shows people on the streets attempt to calm the situation and break it up instead of celebrate the altercation — the only celebration seen in this video is when Phoenix Jones rushes to break the up the fight.

    However, the commonality between the two videos is the lack of police response, unless you consider sounding a siren and not pulling over a response.

    Here’s the video courtesy of Phoenix Jones and cameraman Ryan McNamee.

    WARNING: The video contains profanity and may not be safe for work.
    VIDEO: Phoenix Jones and crew stop a fight in Belltown — the third act of violence at this location this month

    After a few weeks of nothing to report between 1st and 2nd Avenues on Bell Street in Belltown, violence erupts again — the third act of violence at this troubled location this month.

    Around 2am on Saturday morning, a woman was attacked by numerous women as she was getting into a taxi cab.

    Phoenix Jones, El Caballero, Midnight Jack, Q, and cameraman Ryan McNamee were on patrol when they heard some commotion outside of a nightclub.

    Video shows the Seattle Superheroes observing the commotion but staying away from the confrontation. A woman then got attacked by numerous women outside of a taxi cab; Phoenix Jones and crew rushed in to break up the fight.

    9-1-1 was called, however police never showed up.

    According to Jones, the confrontation started inside the nightclub when a woman backed into another woman which caused her to spill her drink all over her dress. Club security removed the aggressor from the nightclub, however she waited for the other woman outside of the nightclub with her shoes off.

    Roughly 33 seconds into the video, the fight starts. Punches were thrown, hair was pulled, and the fight was later broke up.

    After the fight is over, people at the scene start celebrating the fight.

    At the 1:17 mark, a guy yells “That’s how we do it in Seattle.”

    Really? That’s how we do it in Seattle?

    Here’s the video courtesy of Phoenix Jones and cameraman Ryan McNamee.

    WARNING: The video contains profanity and may not be safe for work.

    According to Jones, there are more fights involving women than fights involving men; typically, fights involving women don’t escalate and end quickly, and fights involving men often escalate. And while some women participate in violent acts on the streets, Rain City Superhero’s sole female superhero Purple Reign is starting a campaign to fight violent acts in the home — I’ll have more on her campaign soon.

    This fight had a woman taking her shoes off; wait til you see what article of clothing is taken off in a video I’m posting tomorrow in a fight from Sunday morning.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #48

  4. #49
    I think the cops did a great job. They allowed a loud mouth to get taught a lesson by a LARPer and it was all on film to remind him and all his friends that he got punched out by a LARPer. No bystanders were in danger, no property was damaged and both agreed and it was even supervised by the cops. All good in my book. Sometimes letting people settle it is the best way to go.

    That being said, those LARPers are just asking for trouble. They best stick to the upper class hoods or they will get their caps peeled. Mace and batons will only get you so far when you are being swarmed by 30 thugs and guns are at play.

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    you can tell though that guy has some training in the way he moves. i bet he knows some tdk or mt...he bounces like a lot of tkd guys ive seen
    For whoso comes amongst many shall one day find that no one man is by so far the mightiest of all.

  6. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
    you can tell though that guy has some training in the way he moves. i bet he knows some tdk or mt...he bounces like a lot of tkd guys ive seen
    Too bad they boxed. Would have been interesting to see what would have happened had the knucklehead shot in?

  7. #52

    Phoenix Jones speaks out.

    The website just produced this sort-of-interview/sort-of-promo-piece of Phoenix Jones

  8. #53
    I'm going out to patrol tonight. I have my kevlar and my sidearm. This shit is on!!!

    Anyone wanna come?

    Anyone with a hoodie is gettin' clipped!

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    Anyone wanna come?
    Yeah kinda, but only if you smoke me out with some of that BC shiznit!!!

    Can I bring my Centurion uniform?

  10. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by GoldenBrain View Post
    Can I bring my Centurion uniform?
    Any LARPing costume will do. Paintball gear, superman suit, robot costume... your call.

    And what would vigilante murder be w/o ganja... Right?

  11. #56
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    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    Any LARPing costume will do. Paintball gear, superman suit, robot costume... your call.

    And what would vigilante murder be w/o ganja... Right?
    Whoa, wait a minute...who's talking about murder? I thought we were talking about getting ripped, stalking some poor guy walking around a neighborhood wearing a hoodie and then claiming he beat us up so we could self defend ourselves.

  12. #57
    You say tomato, I say tomato....

    errr... wait....

  13. #58
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.


    I wonder what his mild manner identity is.

    Enter Soberman: Superhero to Roam Bars, Stop Drunk Driving
    Posted by Perry Stein on Aug. 30, 2013 at 2:42 pm

    Imagine you're at, oh, Public Bar in Dupont late one Saturday night, drinking a Bud, dancing with whoever. All of a sudden an artificially buff man dressed in a red spandex superhero costume (with underwear on the outside, 'natch) loudly introduces himself as Soberman. He wants to know: Do you know how you'll get home?

    Soon, this could be your reality.

    Checkpoint Strikeforce—a multistate initiative to stop drunk driving—launched its latest campaign in the Washington area Thursday, and Soberman is the not-so-subtle star of it all.

    Soberman—who would not give me his real name at a press event, though one of his bosses told me he's an actor by day—will randomly show up at bars in D.C., Northern Virginia, and Maryland. He'll be accompanied by a police officer as he approaches unsuspecting patrons, asking them if they have a designated driver, cash for a cab, or plans to take public transportation. According to the campaign, which cited the National Highway Administration, in 2011 29 percent of all traffic fatalities in the District involved alcohol-related crashes.

    If Soberman likes your transportation method, he'll give you a prize, which could be anything from headphones to Macklemore concert tickets.

    It is unclear how often Soberman will be roaming bars, but the campaign runs through New Year's Eve and includes a $250,000 TV and print ad buy. The District Department of Transportation contributed $125,000 to the campaign.

    Soberman, who say's he's "faster than a speeding Buick" with "powers of sober-detection," made his party debut Thursday at The Bullpen outside Nationals Stadium.

    Photo by Perry Stein
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  14. #59
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Tiger Mask

    Cyclist in Tiger Mask outfit donates $1,000 to tornado-struck school, disappears
    Preston Phro 3 days ago

    What a week, eh? Hayao Miyazaki’s retirement was announced, the creator of Attack on Titan has annoyed fans with his “poor” drawings, a massive boulder nearly smashed a car, and, worst of all, a freaking tornado ripped up a chunk of Japan! We sure could use some good, light-hearted news.

    Well, how about this story of a man who donated 100,000 yen (US$1,000) to one of the elementary schools ravaged by the tornado…in one of the most unusual ways ever!

    The weather in Japan has been pretty intense this week with high temperatures, heavy rains, typhoons, and even freaking tornadoes. While all of them are problematic, the tornadoes were the worst, causing extensive damage to many buildings. One of the worst hit was an elementary school in Chiba Prefecture, as you can see in the screenshot below.

    That’s an incredible amount of damage, isn’t it? Really makes you go, “Whoa.” It also leaves you wondering what will happen to the poor children whose school has been trounced by a vicious twister.

    While most of us might feel sad for a bit, click “Like,” and then move on to the next story, one man had other plans.

    Dressed as Tiger Mask, the legendary professional wrestling character, an anonymous gentleman rode up to the school on a bicycle and handed over a book for saving 500 yen coins – 200 of the coins to be exact! Which, by our mental math is 100,000 yen (roughly US$1,000), or a heck of a lot of money to be carrying around in a book. The masked man said, “This is 100,000 yen. Use it for the school,” before riding off without even pausing to give his name.

    It’s okay if you need to get that dust out of your eyes now. We understand.

    For those of you who aren’t familiar with mid-20th century anime, Tiger Mask was originally a professional wrestling character in a manga from the late ’60s and early ’70s who has managed to stay popular through the years. The opening for the anime can be seen below. To describe it as “insane and fantastic” would probably be accurate.

    A new, live-action Tiger Mask movie is even set to be released this November, so if your curiosity is piqued, be sure to keep an eye out for it!

    【アニメ】タイガーマスク OP

    The Tiger Mask タイガーマスク 2013 Japanese Movie Trailer
    I cut & pasted the Youtube links because they are cool.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  15. #60
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.


    Another moment that reminds me that I left my heart in S.F.

    Watch it live as it unfolds today here.

    Thousands of volunteers to welcome Batkid to S.F.
    Vivian Ho
    Published 4:41 pm, Thursday, November 14, 2013

    Miles, 5, recipient of The Make a Wish Foundations latest wish, smiles at the Grand Hyatt on Wednesday Nov. 1, 2013 in San Francisco, Calif.
    Photo: Mike Kepka, The Chronicle

    Five-year-old Miles already has experience fighting villains - he's been facing off with acute lymphoblastic leukemia since he was 20 months old.

    With his cancer in remission and his last bout of chemotherapy finished in June, his biggest wish was to continue living his life heroically. "He wanted to be Batman," said Patricia Wilson, the Make-A-Wish Foundation's Bay Area executive director.

    We can do that, Wilson thought, and she began putting the call out to volunteers to help turn San Francisco into Gotham City for a day for the boy from Tulelake (Siskiyou County).

    It might as well have been a worldwide Bat-Signal. Word of the foundation's efforts spread quickly on social media, and soon what started as a small effort to make a 5-year-old boy a hero for the day turned into a citywide extravaganza, with support and volunteers coming in from all over.

    On Friday, by Make-A-Wish's count, thousands of volunteers will cheer on "Batkid" as he defeats the Riddler and the Penguin at locations around San Francisco. The mayor will present Miles with a key to the city. Police Chief Greg Suhr will step in as Commissioner Gordon to alert Miles when his heroics are needed.

    "I thought I could do it on a scale that a 5-year-old would appreciate," said Wilson, whose foundation specializes in granting wishes to children with serious diseases. "But apparently, it's on a scale now that the nation appreciates.

    "I've never seen anything go viral like this, with the outpouring of support from across the world," she said.

    Suhr said so many people want to help out that officials have had to turn away some volunteers.

    "My butcher at the grocery store was asking what he could do, the police commissioners was asking what they could do," he said. "Everywhere I go, the only thing people want to talk about is Batkid. I was just at a meeting with the attorney general, and Kamala Harris said, 'Tell me about Batkid!' "

    Miles and his family, who asked that their last name not be released, arrived in San Francisco on Thursday, the foundation said. His parents have been briefed on Friday's events, but Miles still does not know the extent of what's to come.

    Wilson credited the spirit of tech-savvy San Francisco, whose residents took to the idea immediately and began spreading word through social media.

    "We have done other superhero wishes before at Make-A-Wish, and no city has embraced it like this one," she said. "There's going to be a lot of love in San Francisco on Friday."

    Vivian Ho is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. E-mail: Twitter: @VivianHo
    Chronicle will print special editions for ‘Batkid’ flashmob
    Posted on November 14, 2013 | By (Peter Hockaday)

    The San Francisco Chronicle will produce special-edition “Gotham City Chronicle” newspapers as the city transforms for 5-year-old cancer patient Miles on Friday.

    About 1,000 newspapers will be handed out at Union Square as people gather for the ‘Batkid’ Make-A-Wish event. Batman-fan Miles will battle crime around San Francisco, nabbing the Riddler and the Penguin, before receiving a key to the city from Mayor Ed Lee.

    The Chronicle’s special page includes a story written by “Clark Kent” with the headline “BATKID SAVES CITY” and another story featuring less-criminally inclined penguins (from the California Academy of Sciences).

    “It’s great to print nice news for a change, and Lois Lane was happy to come out of retirement for this special assignment,” said Chronicle Managing Editor Audrey Cooper.

    Here’s what the front page looks like:
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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