Personally, I greatly enjoy watching videos of mouthy broads who takes it for granted that men won't hit them back....attacking men, then get knocked the F out.

Probably because I can't do it myself unless they can show that they're at my level or better. I can hit trained women at my MMA gym, but still not hard. I don't get threatened nor go into competitive mode when they land full, 100% powered punches. With men, I would give them the same or more back, even if they suck and landed a lucky one. Although, I have KO'ed a big beefy girl once because I warned here many times about throwing full knees at my healing cracked rib. She was landing with the point of the knee during 70% power sparring.

But with girlfriends, relatives, etc. whom I know can't hurt me unless they have a way would I hit them back. This is a good time to practice defense only. They gas, get ****ed, gas some more...then quit. Also, get surveillance cameras or those spy ones to prove that you weren't the aggressor.