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Thread: Are there real Shaolin Monks?

  1. #301

  2. #302

    Original Shaolin Monks

    I asked my master from China about the monks, and he affirmed that the original monks had all left the temple during the Cultural Revolution.

  3. #303
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Columbia, MO
    Quote Originally Posted by marklee View Post
    I asked my master from China about the monks, and he affirmed that the original monks had all left the temple during the Cultural Revolution.
    End of thread. A guy on the internet asked some other guy and now we know the answer.

  4. #304
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Pound Town
    Quote Originally Posted by marklee View Post
    I asked my master from China about the monks, and he affirmed that the original monks had all left the temple during the Cultural Revolution.
    who is your master?

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
    Senior Business Director at TEAM ASSHAMMER consulting services ™®LLC

  5. #305
    "You have no idea what it's like to get hit in the face repeatedly with combos at full power and what it does to you."

    Most boxers are not rushing to have this experience, either. Thus, they train their fundamentals to avoid this. Experiencing this is a failure, not a success.

  6. #306
    Quote Originally Posted by Faux Newbie View Post
    "You have no idea what it's like to get hit in the face repeatedly with combos at full power and what it does to you."

    Most boxers are not rushing to have this experience, either. Thus, they train their fundamentals to avoid this. Experiencing this is a failure, not a success.
    Of course it could be considered being a success and being a failure!

    Every cloud has it's silver lining after all!

  7. #307
    Quote Originally Posted by Scott R. Brown View Post
    Of course it could be considered being a success and being a failure!

    Every cloud has it's silver lining after all!
    Herpes has no silver lining. I refute your assertion!

  8. #308
    Quote Originally Posted by Faux Newbie View Post
    Herpes has no silver lining. I refute your assertion!
    It can keep you out of the army!!!!

  9. #309
    Quote Originally Posted by Scott R. Brown View Post
    It can keep you out of the army!!!!
    Can't touch that.

  10. #310
    Quote Originally Posted by Faux Newbie View Post
    Herpes has no silver lining. I refute your assertion!
    Quote Originally Posted by Scott R. Brown View Post
    It can keep you out of the army!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Faux Newbie View Post
    Can't touch that.

    you can have sex with someone who has herpes, without catching herpes!

  11. #311
    and since a big portion of kong fu applications are to tear the muscles, break the joints, attack the vital points like the groins, eyes, etc, sparring with semi or full power can only be done with highly experienced practitioners, and one must be extremely careful at that. it's not like a simple punching and kicking you can make it safe by gloves and safety shields.
    See, most of this is BS though. UFC 1-4 allowed all of these maiming strikes and more. Yet Royce Gracie still beat the crap out of all the Kung-Fu's and so did big, fat, out of shape Wrestlers who just grounded them, clenched their fists and pounded their Kung-Fu faces in with sloppy Hammer-fists.

    Jason Delucia (K-F), even bit Gracie when caught in a Gracie proceeded to make him pay for biting by continuing to crank on a locked armbar as DeLucia was tapping furiously. The Ref had to jump in to force Gracie off, but too late...popped elbow. Remco Pardieu (Judo?/Jujutsu?) bit Gracie also, and Gracie also hurt him by not letting go after the tap.

    I spar with different K-F schools. None of them spars by kicking each other in the nuts nor eye strikes, you're just making excuses. They also wear a ton of safety gear such as headgear w/full facemasks resembling a motorcycle helmet, cup, mouthguard, shinguards, etc. Do you think experienced Muay Thai or MMA fighters can't target testicles and eyeballs? Who do you think will be faster and more powerful? It takes more skills to not kick someone in the balls while throwing, ie. an inside leg kick.

    Are you trying to say that all you do is try to grab at nuts and eye strike all the time, in every freakin' class? C'mon. Just be honest, you just don't want to get hit hard in the face as part of your regular training. I'm not even implying that you should spar for knockouts all the time, just some of the time. At other times, medium power, like 50%. Then the rest, do you your deadly Ninja strikes.

    besides, i myself have to hit my face, as well as whole my body, with a thick, harsh, heavy, piece of wood hundreds of times everyday. i don't think the faces of those western so-called "fighters" can be tougher than mine by any means.
    Where are you located? I want to see this.

  12. #312
    indeed, among all the martial arts techniques, to "get hit in the face repeatedly with combos at full power" with the attacker's fist in those puffy gloves "does almost nothing to you" compared with most the other martial techniques.

    if one hits your face with a semi heavy aerial kick...
    if one locks your wrist or elbow joint and shocks or even breaks it with even an almost light-powered lock...
    if one attacks your eyes with their fingertips...
    if one attacks your groins with even a light blow...
    if one attacks your diaphragm or DanTian with an open palm, chicken fist, or kick...
    ...and so on

    all of these need just a few kilograms of force and can be done by a child on even 120+ kg guys, but the result is seriously destructive, indeed. and worse, neither gloves nor other safety stuff will be of any use in such attacks.

  13. #313
    Quote Originally Posted by Faux Newbie View Post
    "You have no idea what it's like to get hit in the face repeatedly with combos at full power and what it does to you."

    Most boxers are not rushing to have this experience, either. Thus, they train their fundamentals to avoid this. Experiencing this is a failure, not a success.
    Wait, what????? Of course we all train fundamentals but I certainly still experience getting knocked down or KO'ed as there are plenty of Amateur fighters and especially Pro fighters that can whoop my butt like I was a child.

    You go to just about any Boxing gyms and you will certainly experience this. Sparring there, USUALLY means, going for knockout shots.....unless it's specifically stated by the coach that it's light sparring or someone experienced is sparring a noob. But sometimes people still hit noobs hard. Coach will pull the noob out.

    Getting your butt whooped, knocked down and knocked out, certainly is apart of training to become a fighter. When training guys who wants to fight in the ring/cage for their first time ever in MMA or MT, we always knock them down a few times at least but careful not to go for head KD's and head KO's as it may cause them to pull out of their fight. But sometimes head KD's & KO's do happen. Boxing gyms in general, are even rougher than MMA gyms.

  14. #314
    Quote Originally Posted by SHemmati View Post
    indeed, among all the martial arts techniques, to "get hit in the face repeatedly with combos at full power" with the attacker's fist in those puffy gloves "does almost nothing to you" compared with most the other martial techniques.

    if one hits your face with a semi heavy aerial kick...
    if one locks your wrist or elbow joint and shocks or even breaks it with even an almost light-powered lock...
    if one attacks your eyes with their fingertips...
    if one attacks your groins with even a light blow...
    if one attacks your diaphragm or DanTian with an open palm, chicken fist, or kick...
    ...and so on

    all of these need just a few kilograms of force and can be done by a child on even 120+ kg guys, but the result is seriously destructive, indeed. and worse, neither gloves nor other safety stuff will be of any use in such attacks.
    Yeah, but I ain't standing their like a statue while you try to do all of this to me.

    What's the difference between you (who've never even eye jabbed anyone for real before) attacking my eyes with a jab vs. a PRO Boxer throwing his whole freaking fist at my face? ANSWER: The Boxer will probably land and disrupt my game and follow up with power combos to knock me the F out....while you will probably not hit squat but get countered by me doing what the Boxer does.

    Point being, you throwing jabs at my eyes is no different then the thousands of times people try to knock me the F out as part of training by punching at my face. And do you think I'm oblivious to groin strikes? There's not much difference when someone tries to kick my inside thigh or knee my ribs....their limbs are generally heading towards my nuts....I FREAKING BLOCK, MOVE OR COUNTER. This is standard.

    And do you think we don't know what joint locks are? A simple choke hold that we teach to brand new White Belts in BJJ on their first day ever, is a DEATH move....not letting go and holding it for 15-30 seconds more can kill someone. Breaking joints, big deal....we teach them these too on their first or next day in class. We teach little kids 4 years old and up these techniques too. Who do you think are better with submission moves, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or Kung-Fu? C'mon now.
    Last edited by gunbeatskroty; 11-01-2013 at 03:54 PM.

  15. #315
    Quote Originally Posted by SHemmati View Post
    all of these need just a few kilograms of force and can be done by a child on even 120+ kg guys, but the result is seriously destructive, indeed. and worse, neither gloves nor other safety stuff will be of any use in such attacks.
    Dude....I mean, really??? C'mon!
    Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
    This is 100% TCMA principle. It may be used in non-TCMA also. Since I did learn it from TCMA, I have to say it's TCMA principle.
    Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
    We should not use "TCMA is more than combat" as excuse for not "evolving".

    You can have Kung Fu in cooking, it really has nothing to do with fighting!

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