This is Guo's profile from a school he taught at in Wudang when I was there a few years back. After that he moved to Wuhan, I don't have an address for him although we stay in touch by phone and email. Are you in Wuhan ?.

Guo Dongwei is an outstanding 15th generation disciple of the Wudang Sanfeng sect. He was born in Ju ye county which is located at He Ze city in Shangdong province. Since eight years old, he began to learn provisions of the national juvenile boxing. When he was 11 years old, he started learning external fist style, and came to learn Wudang internal martial arts at 15.

He was selected as a member of the Wudang Kungfu Group in 2002, since then, he visited Brunei, Taiwan, Macau, Singapore and other countries and regions with the delegation, also performed Wudang kungfu for national leaders and international friends. At the end of 2004, he took part in and performed at the opening ceremony of the 2nd World Mrtial Arts & Free-boxing Tournament hold in Macau.

He was invited by Singapore Taoist Association to take part in the performance for the birthday of Laotzu, and was warmly received by the President of Singapore in March, 2006. In July, he was invited to perform in Austin, the best little city in America. In September and October this year, he took part in the performance for the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Beijing and the minority sports meeting of Hunan Province respectively.

Coach Guo is expert in Wudang Sanfeng Taichi, pu dao, nine-section whip, eight-immortals stick and cavort.