Quote Originally Posted by kung fu fighter View Post
"Lung Na" would be an indirect method of controlling the opponent's centerline, since your intent is still to distroy the opponent's centerline.

Hi Navin!

So your answer is "yes"? Controlling the opponent's centerline is the same thing as attacking the centerline and a Chin Na type technique wouldn't be considered "chasing hands" from a WCK perspective?

Here's another example of what I'm saying from Cheung's Traditional Wing Chun. TWC will sometimes use a "Chuen Sau" motion to move to the "blindside." For those unfamiliar with TWC, this is like doing a Biu to defend against a wide swinging punch followed by another Biu to move the punch to the inside and turn the opponent followed almost immediately by a Lop to unbalance him so you can attack. Many people outside of TWC have criticized them for "chasing hands" with this technique. They criticize it because they note that the TWC fighter could have simply defended and punched straight up the center from the beginning. But it involves only 3 defensive movements before launching your attack and it turns the opponent so that it controls his center. So as far as I am concerned, this is not "chasing hands."