Oh, you've introduced an interesting topic.

I think for completeness, the video would be better demonstrated if YOU swung at a your student and he used soft bridges to overcome your larger size.

The reason I say this is because although you claim to be not using structure...truly in part, you actually are. Most likely it's because you're a teacher and you can't help yourself but to do it correctly. Basically, you know how to relax your shoulder and sink your elbow. Of which, in CMA both are considered part of proper structure. Anybody trained in kung fu correctly should be able to do this and extend their focus throughout the entire arm. If your shoulder was raised and your elbow not sunk...it wouldn't be as effective for you. But then again, you're also much bigger than your student.

Hence why I suggested the reverse.

What your student is doing is hitting for your arm and in the other cases where you "meet his momentum" ...that is synonymous with going against his force. Not that I want to start a huge argument. But IMO, that's not soft. Soft is better displayed by creating a stick point 1st, yielding and then redirecting it. It could also be a shave, parry or a divert ...but never a force vs force scenario.