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Thread: Beauty Pageants

  1. #106
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    Juliana Lopez Sarrazola busted

    Colombian Beauty Queen Gets 15 Years in Prison in China For Smuggling Drugs
    Cocaine found in her laptop

    Charles Liu, July 28, 2016 11:36am

    A would-be beauty queen has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for drug smuggling in China and will be deported after she serves her time.

    Juliana Lopez Sarrazola, a Columbian citizen, had travelled to Guangzhou on July 18 to participate in the Miss World Medellin beauty pageant. When she landed, she was arrested with 610 grams of cocaine hidden inside her laptop computer, say Chinese authorities.

    Sarrazola, 23, had agreed to smuggle the drugs for a Colombian drug dealer named “Sergio” in order to earn money to attend the Miss World pageant, reported the Yangcheng Evening Report.

    According to the paper, Sarrazola was paid $776 in cash and given free air tickets and hotel accommodation. She would have received another $2,500 if she successfully smuggled the drugs into the country.

    Sarrazola’s lawyers had asked the court for leniency on the grounds that Sergio had threatened to kill her family if she refused to comply with his demands.

    According to official figures, more than a hundred Colombians are currently being held in China, almost all due to drug-related issues.

    Source: Shanghai Daily
    Photos: Next Shark, Fox News
    Do NOT mess with drug smuggling in China.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #107
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    Xinhua hacked?

    State-Run Chinese Bookstore Jumps In, Calling Miss Michigan “Ugly” and a “Traitor”
    Alleges Weibo account was hacked

    Charles Liu, August 11, 2016 11:36am (updated)

    China’s largest nationwide state-run bookstore chain is in hot water after calling Arianna Quan, the newly-crowned Miss Michigan, “ugly” and a “traitor” for betraying “her country”.

    The comments were made on Xinhua Bookstore’s Weibo account on July 31 in reference to Quan’s recent beauty pageant win. The Beijing Youth Daily reported that the bookstore’s Weibo account had been hacked, and their account stolen. Here is a translation of the post:
    Having grown up to look the way you do, you are only fit to be exported to the USA. If you have any dignity at all, you will never return to Beijing or else you will make neighbors of your family sorry for ever meeting them. When you walk out on the street, you will scare young children. When you try to hail a ride, it’s likely no driver will stop for you. When you take public transit, it’s likely someone will report you to the police. Since you have adopted the enemy as your father, then please refer to yourself as ‘traitor’ (on this application form). Under ‘political affiliation’ please write ‘slave of a vanquished nation’.
    The bookstore made another controversial post around the same time with regard to the release of JK Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. The post included a line referencing former US President Bill Clinton: “Clinton can’t control his genitals or his crazy, Nazi wife”.

    Quan, 23, won the title of Miss Michigan on June 16. She immigrated to the US at age six and became a naturalized US citizen at age 14. Quan performed on the piano for the talent competition, and wore a yellow bikini for the swimsuit competition. Nonetheless, Chinese citizens were largely dismissive of her. A majority considers Quan to be “ugly” and made online jokes at her expense, while others simply accepted that East and West have different beauty standards.

    Mark Zuckerberg has weighed in on the controversy. Global Times reports the US entrepreneur who has been wooing Chinese leaders for some time has said, “Physical beauty will diminish with age while inner beauty will grow with the years”. Zuckerberg’s wife Priscilla Chan had previously been targeted by Chinese citizens as being ugly.

    Source: Global Times, NetEase
    Photos: Freep, Next Shark, ViTalk
    The Chinese netizens are vicious.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #108
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    Do NOT mess with drug smuggling in China.

    I'd bust her !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. #109
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    She may be executed, billy

    Colombian pageant queen faces death penalty in China for allegedly smuggling cocaine
    By Mariah Medina, San Antonio Express-News Updated 12:07 pm, Thursday, July 30, 2015

    Juliana Lopez was arrested on July 18 for allegedly attempting to smuggle cocaine into China. Her parents believe she was framed. Photo: Medina, Mariah, Courtesy Photo
    Photo: Medina, Mariah, Courtesy Photo

    Photo: Medina, Mariah, Courtesy Photo
    Since her July 18 arrest, her parents have made plans to sell their home to get to China and hire an attorney and translator.

    Photo: Medina, Mariah, Courtesy Photo
    Lopez' family has not been able to communicate with her since her arrest and believe the trip and legal defense will cost approximately 150 million pesos, or over $52,000.

    Her soccer coach told she was headed to China to purchase bags, souvenirs and trinkets to resell in Colombia — but when her parents stopped hearing from their 22-year-old pageant queen daughter on July 14, they became nervous and called the Chinese Embassy to learn their daughter had been arrested for allegedly smuggling cocaine into China.
    Juliana Lopez was making a second trip to China when she was stopped in Guangzhou airport, and was arrested when airport officials allegedly found a bag of cocaine in her laptop, reported.
    Unlike Colombia, the Asian nation's punishment for smuggling banned substances include death or life in prison.
    Lopez' uncle, David Muñoz, told the Colombia news site that her mother has arranged to sell her home in order to get to China and hire a lawyer with the hopes of bringing her daughter home. Muñoz also said the laptop confiscated was not Lopez' laptop and that the family believes she was framed.
    After already paying for the fall semester at St. Bonaventure University, winning the Miss Antioquia beauty pageant and being an involved member of the Divas Futbol Club, her family is skeptical of the accusations but has not been able to speak with her since her July 18 arrest, reported.
    Her family believes the trip will cost more than 150 million pesos, or approximately $53,000 Diario.Co said.
    China executes the most criminals annually, putting 2,400 people to death in 2013 according to Newsweek. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is working to provide legal assistance to Lopez and her family.
    See photos of the soccer-loving model in the slideshow above, followed by photos of Anett Pikula — a model from Mexico who was caught smuggling drugs into the United States after a failed attempt at flirting.
    Twitter: @MariahMedinaaa

    Like I said:
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    Do NOT mess with drug smuggling in China.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #110
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    Was it a white robot?

    A beauty contest was judged by AI and the robots didn't like dark skin
    The first international beauty contest decided by an algorithm has sparked controversy after the results revealed one glaring factor linking the winners

    One expert says the results offer ‘the perfect illustration of the problem’ with machine bias. Photograph: Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters
    Sam Levin in San Francisco
    Thursday 8 September 2016 18.42 EDT Last modified on Friday 9 September 2016 18.10 EDT

    The first international beauty contest judged by “machines” was supposed to use objective factors such as facial symmetry and wrinkles to identify the most attractive contestants. After Beauty.AI launched this year, roughly 6,000 people from more than 100 countries submitted photos in the hopes that artificial intelligence, supported by complex algorithms, would determine that their faces most closely resembled “human beauty”.

    But when the results came in, the creators were dismayed to see that there was a glaring factor linking the winners: the robots did not like people with dark skin.

    Out of 44 winners, nearly all were white, a handful were Asian, and only one had dark skin. That’s despite the fact that, although the majority of contestants were white, many people of color submitted photos, including large groups from India and Africa.

    The ensuing controversy has sparked renewed debates about the ways in which algorithms can perpetuate biases, yielding unintended and often offensive results.

    When Microsoft released the “millennial” chatbot named Tay in March, it quickly began using racist language and promoting neo-Nazi views on Twitter. And after Facebook eliminated human editors who had curated “trending” news stories last month, the algorithm immediately promoted fake and vulgar stories on news feeds, including one article about a man masturbating with a chicken sandwich.

    While the seemingly racist beauty pageant has prompted jokes and mockery, computer science experts and social justice advocates say that in other industries and arenas, the growing use of prejudiced AI systems is no laughing matter. In some cases, it can have devastating consequences for people of color.

    Beauty.AI – which was created by a “deep learning” group called Youth Laboratories and supported by Microsoft – relied on large datasets of photos to build an algorithm that assessed beauty. While there are a number of reasons why the algorithm favored white people, the main problem was that the data the project used to establish standards of attractiveness did not include enough minorities, said Alex Zhavoronkov, Beauty.AI’s chief science officer.

    Although the group did not build the algorithm to treat light skin as a sign of beauty, the input data effectively led the robot judges to reach that conclusion.

    Winners of the Beauty.AI contest in the category for women aged 18-29. Photograph:

    “If you have not that many people of color within the dataset, then you might actually have biased results,” said Zhavoronkov, who said he was surprised by the winners. “When you’re training an algorithm to recognize certain patterns … you might not have enough data, or the data might be biased.”

    The simplest explanation for biased algorithms is that the humans who create them have their own deeply entrenched biases. That means that despite perceptions that algorithms are somehow neutral and uniquely objective, they can often reproduce and amplify existing prejudices.

    The Beauty.AI results offer “the perfect illustration of the problem”, said Bernard Harcourt, Columbia University professor of law and political science who has studied “predictive policing”, which has increasingly relied on machines. “The idea that you could come up with a culturally neutral, racially neutral conception of beauty is simply mind-boggling.”

    The case is a reminder that “humans are really doing the thinking, even when it’s couched as algorithms and we think it’s neutral and scientific,” he said.

    Civil liberty groups have recently raised concerns that computer-based law enforcement forecasting tools – which use data to predict where future crimes will occur – rely on flawed statistics and can exacerbate racially biased and harmful policing practices.

    “It’s polluted data producing polluted results,” said Malkia Cyril, executive director of the Center for Media Justice.

    A ProPublica investigation earlier this year found that software used to predict future criminals is biased against black people, which can lead to harsher sentencing.

    “That’s truly a matter of somebody’s life is at stake,” said Sorelle Friedler, a professor of computer science at Haverford College.

    A major problem, Friedler said, is that minority groups by nature are often underrepresented in datasets, which means algorithms can reach inaccurate conclusions for those populations and the creators won’t detect it. For example, she said, an algorithm that was biased against Native Americans could be considered a success given that they are only 2% of the population.

    “You could have a 98% accuracy rate. You would think you have done a great job on the algorithm.”

    Friedler said there are proactive ways algorithms can be adjusted to correct for biases whether improving input data or implementing filters to ensure people of different races are receiving equal treatment.

    Prejudiced AI programs aren’t limited to the criminal justice system. One study determined that significantly fewer women than men were shown online ads for high-paying jobs. Last year, Google’s photo app was found to have labeled black people as gorillas.

    Cyril noted that algorithms are ultimately very limited in how they can help correct societal inequalities. “We’re overly relying on technology and algorithms and machine learning when we should be looking at institutional changes.”

    Zhavoronkov said that when Beauty.AI launches another contest round this fall, he expects the algorithm will have a number of changes designed to weed out discriminatory results. “We will try to correct it.”

    But the reality, he added, is that robots may not be the best judges of physical appearance: “I was more surprised about how the algorithm chose the most beautiful people. Out of a very large number, they chose people who I may not have selected myself.”
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #111
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    This whole thing about how Japanese are supposed to look like is silly, IMO. I suppose most Japanese, like most Westerners, think all Japanese should have the stereotypically predominant Yayoi features. But there is no "pure" Japanese race or any other race. Even those in Japan who live in denial have admixtures. Heck, even being half-Indian, this girl looks as much as or closer to "pure Japanese" than my sister, brother or me. And much more than my dad. My dad's side had a clearly heavy aboriginal mix (Jomon, Ainu or Rykyuan characteristics). My dad and his brothers (who were born in CA) were sometimes mistaken for Native American Indians, except they had to constantly shave their beards. My older sister could pass for Polynesian. And I'm often mistaken for being mixed in some way.

    In fact, many of the top celebrities in Japan, such as famous actors, athletes, etc., in the past and present, have had clear Jomon-type features, which set them apart. This isn't counting ones who have European admixture. Although any probable aboriginal admixture is never discussed in Japan.

    And what is the "Asian look"? East Indians are south Asians. So for all intents and purposes, she is "pure Asian". Whatever that means.

    Last edited by Jimbo; 09-21-2016 at 03:17 PM.

  7. #112
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    its not about japanese purity but about the mixed winner signalling belief that east asian features are ugly and inferior

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
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  8. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    its not about japanese purity but about the mixed winner signalling belief that east asian features are ugly and inferior
    I agree in that she chose her words very badly. "That Asian look." She sounded ignorant when she said that. She probably lacks awareness or maturity (or both). However, there are many Japanese people, like on my dad's side, who are naturally darker-skinned than the white, pale features traditionally favored as beautiful in Japan, especially for women. And, at least from her accent in the video, she DOES seem like a "guest" there, probably from the States, as opposed to an actual Japanese citizen. I can understand both sides to an extent.

    I remember a few years ago, when an Indian woman won the Miss America title, she got a lot of racist hate not only here, but in India as well. Many in India said she was "too dark and ugly" to represent true Indian beauty.

    I've always found it odd that in many (most??) Asian countries, paler and whiter skin is often the standard of beauty. When there are many, many more factors that make someone "beautiful" than the shade of their skin.

    I'll tell you what I despise hearing people say: "When Asians marry _________ (insert race here), they have beautiful children." I don't see it as a compliment. That statement clearly means that Asian people, especially East Asians, are not beautiful unless they are mixed-blooded, especially with Caucasian blood.

    My own extended family is mixed; I have relatives who are 50% or more Northern European, Mexican, Chinese or Korean admixtures. The point again is, there are many factors that determine beauty beyond how light or dark a person's skin is.
    Last edited by Jimbo; 09-21-2016 at 10:20 PM.

  9. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post

    I'll tell you what I despise hearing people say: "When Asians marry _________ (insert race here), they have beautiful children." I don't see it as a compliment. That statement clearly means that Asian people, especially East Asians, are not beautiful unless they are mixed-blooded, especially with Caucasian blood.
    mix race in japan and asia has history of war brides and conquest. politically speaking to support mix race in asia is to support colonialism and imperialism

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
    Senior Business Director at TEAM ASSHAMMER consulting services ™®LLC

  10. #115
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    I remember a few years ago, when an Indian woman won the Miss America title, she got a lot of racist hate not only here, but in India as well. Many in India said she was "too dark and ugly" to represent true Indian beauty.
    I hate beauty pageants. They are like livestock shows for people. Little surprise both have breed standards.

  11. #116

    They don't make Racism like they used to.

    Identity. Identity Manipulation and Image Identity.

    This thread is an excellent opportunity to try and hammer out some common sense about racism and identity manipulation. Opportunistic identity manipulation is probably the worst manifestation of evil in modern society. No one, anywhere seems to teach about the simple facts of it, Early childhood education would prevent much grief in the world and teach people how to protect themselves from being manipulated by others and teach them how to take responsibility for their lives and direct them to be self-actualizing. Unfortunately every power in the world seems to take advantage of identity manipulation in people for their own use from magazine editors to Presidents and no one wants to actually help people to set themselves free.
    The subject is really big. I can't really cover it all here.

    Just like anything else. eg like violence, there is good (constructive for self and others) and bad (destructive) uses of identification.
    Team spectator Sports with its BIRG and CORF is the most obvious example of mass identity manipulation and is a sort of of early identity indoctrination in the masses preparing them to be used in other ways as it were. It's all an illusion - masses manipulated to feel emotions and do things (violence, celebrations etc) when nothing real has happened to them. In fact they have done nothing real to earn feeling good or bad they merely hooked their identity to something outside of themselves and lost control of it. They are taught to be passively affected.

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    Identity Transfer: One thing = another thing = another thing = the ego (myself).
    Love = My Parents = my Home = my Mountains = my leader = Stalin / Trudeau. Ego is all the same as the observed, The emotion transfers to all (no dis-identification).

    Image Identification It's all over this forum. People identify an image of something.They identify that image as their actual self, their ego. The image must be upheld. The image is an illusion. Often it is subconscious, they rise to a defense of image without realizing what they are doing, they simply feel threatened, they cannot separate themselves from the image. They derive a happiness from the image and the image must never be damaged. But that happiness is false, it is an illusion,they have actualized nothing in themselves to achieve happiness, they have simply hooked themselves to an illusion and are pinned to that illusion. Anything that threatens to expose the illusion is a threat to the ego, to the self, There can be no critical inspection of anything relating to the illusion/image. This is the world of happy face fascism. . But that happiness is not genuine, not a genuine feeling only a vacancy. Happiness cannot exist without simultaneously experiencing or accepting the negative.

    Dysfunctional Identity Inducement In the process of education and socialization , the person is induced with a dysfunctional identity which allows them to be manipulated by others. It's the worst. To undo the ties that bind, the person must self-challenge, self-criticize, A criticism of the process is a criticism of the person's ego and cannot be tolerated. An objective analysis of social indoctrination is a personal attack. To make matters worse, a happy face image must be maintained to cover it all.

    Illusions versus Reality

    Racism - I collectivize an object group as one thing - I use it for some identity purpose eg to pretend I am more important that that objectivization.
    Someone invents the telephone, in another century - my skin color is the same - I feel wonderful, I am so important and smart (illusion)
    I am in a culture that uses telephone technology, I feel good - (reality)

    A beauty contestant wins a contest - is from my country/race I feel great (illusion - nothing to do with me)
    A beauty wins a contest - I like their looks the best I feel good (reality)

    Someone criticizes Black/Hispanic crime in a city, I am Black/Hispanic I feel angry (illusion) I'm identified
    Someone criticizes Black/Hispanic crime in a city, I am Black/Hispanic I feel mild interest (reality) I'm dis-identified - nothing to do with me

    What stands in the way of dis-identification? Maintaining the image of something (singular) agaisnt the reality of something (pluralistic) - to keep the blue meanies away - to have a pleasant heroin dream , an illusion. Losing the image is agony, Pain. The ego must suicide to escape the honey trap..
    So to move on...

    The Trump Phenomenon

    Since Trump introduced myself and millions of Americans to the problem of of illegal immigration I listened to two audiobooks
    Adios, America: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole Paperback – Aug 22 2016 by Ann Coulter
    and After America: Get Ready for Armageddon 2011 by Mark Steyn

    I had previously known little about it. Trump did a big favor to America , he took this out of the closet when no one else would and showed Americans either their doom or their destiny. Whatever one they choose it will be soon irreversible.

    Along with Islamification, (The deadly problem with Islam inside America) illegal immigration is the most serious problem America has or has ever had and is nation threatening.
    Name:  Trump-illegal-immigration-if-it-werent-for-me-quote.jpg
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    A Political Ploy - Shut him down!

    When i first saw the reaction to Trump's first announcement as he cam on the scene I didn't realize that the negative reaction to him was in fact a political ploy just to shut down the conversation. The left has no argument for illegal immigration, the only argument is that it makes the Globalists rich and gives the Left millions! of votes (that will destroy America) but that last part is irrelevant to the power hungry left. Trump had brought up what the power elite was trying to hide, he exposed it baldly to millions of Americans and put in on the table. Thereafter everyone to this date has been forced to talk about it, Even Hillary at the third debate was forced to declare her position and she declared for open borders, a virtual promise to annihilate America as a country.

    So when I saw at first reactions on blogs OMG! Trump is a horrible racist!!! I wondered What is wrong with these people? I didn't realize there was a big manipulation in place. I thought well, somehow people have lost the idea of what racism is, a lack of education? Racism is hating an entire group , generalizing to that entire group and often for the purpose of making one's self feel important. DJT criticized Illegal Immigration not Hispanics, Racism 's objectifying a human classification as one thing for many purposes. Being misogynist is another way of stroking one's own ego by objectification of an entire group. DJT made a scathing attack on Illegal immigration, not Hispanics. No, he wasn't that nice about it, he had to break down a closed and locked door and he used the appropriate tool, a "They aren't sending us their best" sledgehammer.

    I feel hurt - You are a racist!

    But then later I thought , no, most people are not so unintelligent or so intellectually dense. Then in all the outcry about safe spaces etc I realized that it was a retreat from responsibility, and identity dysfunction. A part of a group is criticized the person reacts identifying their ego as part of that group and therefore feels hurt. (I, my ego, my image is attacked) Then they falsely accuse the one who makes the criticism as a 'racist" and in the process they themselves act as genuine racists idnetifying themselves as the whole group of their race.
    As for the non-Hispanics who feel 'outraged - they are the most hollow. They don't even feel anything or understand anything, they have just been told that to challenge the happy face narrative is wrong - or in this case 'racist' and they can virtue signal to feel good about their identity They are like automatons , totally divorced from experience,someone presses the button and they respond as they have been socialized. The real criminals here are their social engineers.
    Or I feel hurt - it's your fault that makes you a racist!
    As opposed to I don't feel hurt - that is not me (dis-identification)
    Or, I feel hurt but my feelings are self-created and my responsibility
    Now if I need an identity image of 'being Hispanic' to feel good and I've hooked my identity to that then I am in trouble. Wherever that ball rolls it will take me, I have no control whatsoever. The only thing I can do is shout a pejorative at whoever or whatever truth threatens the image.
    Not a good place to be.
    Last edited by wolfen; 10-20-2016 at 03:02 AM.

  12. #117

    The Donald, The Lie and the Beauties

    So with the former post in mind now regarding some anti-DJT posts here:

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    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    Way to win the Latino vote

    Now he'd going to sue. You'd think a tycoon of his magnitude would have better business sense.
    Univision Cuts Ties With Trump After Comments About Immigrants

    Trump said he plans to sue Univision for breach of contract. And today, he blamed Univision's actions on the Mexican government. He claimed Mexico was putting pressure on the network because of his opposition to trade deals with that country.
    "When do we beat Mexico at the border?" Trump said during his lengthy presidential announcement speech at Trump Tower in New York. "They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
    Trump's main theme was that the country is in serious trouble.
    It's the way to win the Latino vote who are in America legally, because illegal immigration hurts them. He loses the Latino pro-illegal vote and the Latino racist vote but you can't win those anyway. One doesn't overcome evil by kowtowing to threats or oppressors. What Donald revealed is what the Globalists and the left have been keeping quiet that among other things outrageous crime including many rapes and murders and jails packed with illegal criminals are only one aspect of the enormous price of illegal immigration.

    Univision acted under the influence of the regressive left and Mexicali Interests which oppose American Interests/ It's to be expected, They defined themselves as enemies of American existence. You lose an enemy you don't lose anything, you just define the boundaries.
    Trump takes a loss in his bid to save America from extinction, it's a laudable sacrifice. But what does he really sacrifice? The illegal immigration problem is of such an nature that another year with "open borders" means the end of America. If he can save America , he can save his business. No America, no business. He knows what is going to happen to America as does the Dem. Administration and the Globalists - it's the public that didn't know . Hillary lectured to Wall Street: One face to the public, one face to the private.
    Name:  border.jpg
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    Macys pulls out too. Nice move, Donald. Very presidential.
    "Trump's comments are just the type the Republican Party has been looking to avoid."
    That would be the Globalist elements of the Republican Party - now exposed for what they are in the course of the candidate selection and thoroughly reviled and discredited The RINO's, the ones who were getting a glad hand under the table and a sackful of money to keep quiet about illegal immigration.

    ""With one short speech about us," Orci said, "he tarred the entire Latino culture as being rapists and murderers and terrorists.""
    This comment is racism, this is the real racism. Using identity dysfunction he takes something about the part and applies it to the whole and incites racism in others. He probably doesn't believe even his own words, he doesn't have to , the purpose is to get political power by inciting racism and false outrage ain the Hispanics.

    So who wins with this identity manipulation of the masses?. Not American Hispanics, not the illegal immigrants Not America, only the profiteering Mega-corporations who use the illegals as cheap labor at the price of destroying America permanently.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    Now where am I going to watch the pageant?

    Trump has been under fire since his June 16 presidential campaign announcement in which he made derogatory comments regarding Mexican immigrants while criticizing U.S. government efforts to secure the U.S.-Mexican border.

    “The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems,” Trump told supporters last week during his nearly 45-minute speech at Trump Tower. “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us.

    It's a small price to pay for having a country and having a genuine two-party system. If Trump can sacrifice, you can sacrifice. The alternative is to have no discussion about illegal immigration and a one party system.
    If Hillary pardons 30 million illegals , I say congratulations to the progressive left, you have won a country (or actually a hell hole which won't be 'yours' for long) and there will never be a two party system again. Thirty Million +++ voters tips the scale permanently and makes America a totalitarian State. It totally will destroy American infrastructure. All previous American elections have been won by only small margins by either side and won by discussions on about the issues and the best ones that convinced the most voters usually won. This change in demographics ends that system. After that , it's a power struggle between the Blacks, Whites, Muslims and Hispanics to carve up sections of a failed state. And come on! who is kidding who? Islam will win, no other groups are as tough, as cunning and as ruthless. They are wining in Europe. Sweden, Germany, London are in effect, gone.
    Look on your fate, that is you , soon to follow.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    Macys pulls out too. Nice move, Donald. Very presidential.
    It's quite Presidential. .Presidential is not kowtowing to the the suicide of progressive leftism . Presidential is not the denial and hiding of a nation threatening problem just to appease the power elite so they can make lots of money. Or to appease the sensitivities of Kumbaya Hippie Culture It is the move of someone who has backbone and is advocating to protect Americans from Foreign Interests.

    To expose a a person's identity manipulation is to threaten their core. They don't respond to logic . As illogical as it is they are getting "happiness' of a kind from that dysfunction they will hang tight to that ball even if it is made of iron and drags them to their death.
    'Truth is threatening and evil'
    Free speech is hate speech"
    It's a difficult problem.
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    The problem at the core core is the manipulation of identity and identity image by the masters of manipulation in society - the MSM. Black racism has been incited and gotten many people killed , just for one purpose - to get votes for the democrats. The same with Latino racism, for votes and to get wealth and power for the Globalists.

    What is the worst, is that that no one dares point out the deception of the whole thing. even the Conservatives are too afraid to tell America and Latinos the truth. They can't handle the truth. The population hasn't been educated for truth, they have been socialized for manipulation.
    They are being used and manipulated to be racist, to be divisive, to engage in internecine destructive suicidal behavior.
    They they need to man up, woman up, step up and take responsibility for themselves and face up to the problem of illegal immigration because when America goes down the hole they will too and so will every other race, White Black Asian and Indifferent.
    Last edited by wolfen; 10-20-2016 at 03:27 AM.

  13. #118
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Bioppai Contest 2016

    How do you say 'fluffiness' in Japanese?

    Japan’s most beautiful breasts chosen as winner of Bioppai Contest 2016 is selected 【Video】
    Casey Baseel 4 days ago

    Fluffiness cited as a deciding factor by judge.

    With its unabashed admiration of the female form, Japan has many ways to talk about breasts. One of the newer additions to the mammary-related lexicon is bioppai, “beautiful boobs,” and earlier this week a team of judges carried out the solemn task of picking a winner for Bioppai Contest 2016.

    As one would guess from the name, the purpose of the contest is to determine the most beautiful breasts in Japan. The organizers additionally hold that the contest evaluates entrants’ breasts “from a female perspective,” although the accuracy of this claim is sort of suspect, seeing as how only three of the five judges for this year’s contest are women.

    Nevertheless, the panel has reached its decision, and has awarded the Bioppai Contest 2016 grand prix to Ryoko Nakaoka.

    ▼ Nakaoka (wearing a tiara) appears with her fellow Bioppai Contest 2016 finalists.

    ▼ The final six

    Bioppai 2016
    about 2 weeks ago

    Nakaoka, a 23-year-old Tokyoite, says in her self-introduction that she spent much of her childhood playing sports, including swimming and table tennis. As such, she was concerned that the quality of her skin would be too rough to secure a high evaluation from the judges, but such fears proved unnecessary.

    ▼ The judges pose with this year’s winner.


    グランプリに選ばれました👑💕 緊張しました。足もすごく震えました。でもただただ嬉しい。素直に喜んでます。



    “Her breasts have a good shape,” commented panel member and media personality Maggie, seen standing to Nakaoka’s left in the above photo, “and you just want to touch them because they’re so fluffy, which was really the deciding factor.”


    今日の#美おっぱいコンテスト の記念として#米原康正 さんに#チェキ で撮っていただきました💕

    #貴重な経験#とても大切 なものになりました!
    #写真のポーズ 決めれない#ただの恥ずかしがり屋
    ryoko1792今日の#美おっぱいコンテスト の記念として#米原康正 さんに#チェキ で撮っていただきました💕
    ▼ The Bioppai trophy is surprisingly conical for something honoring such spherical physical assets.


    そして頂いた#トロフィー 🏆💕 #BIOPPAI#PEACHJOHN
    #本当に皆様に感謝 してます。
    #ありがとうございました !
    As part of her prize package, Nakaoka will be appearing in the pages of fashion publication Free Magazine, but if you can’t wait for that, you can also see more of her on her Instagram and Twitter accounts.

    Source: Sankei Photo
    Top image: YouTube/SankeiNews
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  14. #119
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    ttt 4 2017!

    Barred from China and silenced in the US, this beauty queen isn't backing down
    By James Griffiths, CNN
    Updated 3:24 AM ET, Tue January 10, 2017

    Hong Kong (CNN) Anastasia Lin just wanted her father to see her face.
    Prevented from taking part in Miss World 2015 when China refused to allow her to enter the country, where the final was being held, she tried again this past December.
    The Canadian was under no illusions about coming home with the 2016 crown. Getting on stage would be enough: the Miss World final is broadcast around the globe, including in her native China, where her father has been harassed and prevented from leaving.
    In the end she appeared on screen for all of six seconds, during her introduction. For the rest of the show she was tucked away at the back of the crowd of contestants, or at the corners of the stage.
    "It was really too naive to think that my father could see me," Lin said.
    If she is slightly bitter, it's with good reason. Her sliver of screen time was bought with months of practice and rehearsal, and, most painfully for an outspoken human rights activist, her silence.
    During the competition, Lin said she was placed under a communication blackout and forbidden from speaking to journalists, part of what analysts say is a pattern of western companies cooperating with China to silence critics overseas.
    Miss World chairwoman Julia Morley said the organization did "our best to assist Miss Lin and have done absolutely nothing to prevent her doing everything she wanted to do."

    Good little Communist

    Chinese students wearing the uniform of the Young Pioneers.

    Lin, 26, was born in China's Hunan province. As a child, she wore the iconic red scarf of the Young Pioneers and vowed to "struggle for the cause of Communism."
    One of her duties in the state-run youth organization was to corral other children to watch propaganda broadcasts, which at the time were intently focused against Falun Gong.
    The spiritual movement, which has roots in the ancient Chinese meditative martial art qigong, exploded in popularity in the 1990s, growing to an estimated 30 million members by the end of the decade, according to the US State Department.
    In 1999, after upwards of 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners staged a peaceful demonstration in Beijing -- the largest mass protest the Chinese capital had seen since the Tiananmen Square massacre a decade before -- the movement was banned and a brutal crackdown launched, with tens of thousands of people arrested.
    Now a prominent spokeswoman against the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, Lin said she was largely unaware of the crackdown at the time. It wasn't until she moved to Canada at age 13 that she "learned that what were told in China was completely different to reality."

    Contestants on stage during Miss World 2016 in Washington DC.

    Speaking out

    "I didn't start as an activist at all," Lin said.

    As a teenager, she was focused on acting and modeling, eventually studying theater at the University of Toronto.
    It was there that she was approached by a Chinese producer who was looking for someone to play the role of a student killed during the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. Thousands of children died during the disaster, as shoddily built schools collapsed on top of them.
    "He said they couldn't find anyone to play this role, because it was too sensitive," Lin said. "I jumped on the opportunity."
    Similar offers quickly followed: "At one point I really had a monopoly on these types of roles."
    At the same time, she began competing in beauty pageants to raise her profile and get on-camera experience. She placed third in Miss World Canada in 2013, going on to win the competition outright in 2015.
    That's when the trouble started.


    As Canadian champion, Lin was due to take part in Miss World 2015, to be held that year in Sanya, on China's southern island of Hainan. But as the event approached, her visa request went ignored and she was left hanging, unsure if she could take part in the competition.

    She also began receiving distressing messages from her father, who still lives in China. Lin said he was approached by security officers and told that if she didn't "stop her political and human rights activities" her family members would be arrested.
    These threats did not stop her speaking out -- "my personality is that I can't really hide things" -- but she and her father no longer talk due to fears for his safety.
    Many activists have made similar allegations. Ilshat Hassan, president of the Uyghur American Association -- which advocates for members of China's Turkic-speaking Muslim minority -- told CNN last year that his family has faced repeated harassment over his activism. "Just months ago my mum says please stop what you're doing, or don't call us," he said.
    Determined to at least try and take part in Miss World, Lin flew to Hong Kong -- where Canadians do not require a visa to enter -- and attempted to get a flight to Sanya.
    "They declared me persona non grata and prevented me from boarding the plane," she said.
    Her denial of entry was quickly reported worldwide, massively raising her profile, and earning her a denouncement in the state-run Global Times, which accused her of lacking "reasonable understanding of the country where she was born" and warned her against "being tangled with hostile forces against China."

    Miss Puerto Rico Stephanie Del Valle (center) reacts after winning Miss World 2016.


    Given a second chance to participate in Miss World 2016, Lin vowed to toe the line, not wanting to be denied a place in the final again. "I wanted to do things by the book," she said.
    Nevertheless, she chose as her "Beauty with a Purpose" project to shine the light on organ harvesting in China, a topic with which she had become familiar with after acting in the Canadian film "The Bleeding Edge."
    In June, a report by former Canadian lawmaker David Kilgour, human rights lawyer David Matas, and journalist Ethan Gutmann claimed, based on publicly reported figures by hospitals, that China was still engaged in the widespread and systematic harvesting of organs from prisoners, including prisoners of conscience.
    Arriving in Washington DC, Lin received multiple media requests. Keen to play by the rules, she said she forwarded them all to Miss World officials, only to have them all initially denied, though several were later granted.
    Lin said she was also angrily rebuked after an official spotted her chatting with a reporter in the lobby of her hotel.
    "They said I was breaking rules, telling lies," she said. "I felt like a criminal."
    During this period, at least six other contestants were allowed to give interviews.
    After Miss World allowed her to give press interviews, Lin said she was still carefully monitored when talking to reporters.
    Morley said that all contestants were chaperoned and denied that Lin was prevented from speaking in any way, saying she "had full access to any interviews without exception."


    Western companies and governments are facing increasing pressure from Beijing as it attempts to sideline overseas critics, said Amnesty International researcher Patrick Poon.
    CNN has previously reported how Beijing has reached across borders in its hunt for dissidents, working with cooperative governments to deport critics back to China.
    Economic pressure has also been brought to bear on companies that depend on revenue from China.
    Last week, Apple removed the New York Times from its Chinese app store on the grounds the paper's app "(violated) local regulations," a move anti-censorship activist Charlie Smith characterized as "actively enabling infringements of human rights."
    "Foreign governments and foreign organizations should rethink whether what they have been doing in kowtowing to China's influence means that they compromise (dissidents') freedom of expression and freedom of movement," Poon said.
    China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not respond to a request for comment.
    Miss World's Morley denied Lin's accusations that her treatment was related to pressure from Beijing, pointing out that this year's competition, unlike Miss World 2015, did not have any Chinese sponsors.
    Despite her experiences, Lin said she was grateful to the competition for giving her a platform.
    "It's not Miss World's fault they're so nervous, they're a vulnerable pageant organization," Lin said. "The entire world is economically tied to China."
    There are a few more embedded vids that I couldn't cut&paste, assuming you want to know more here.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  15. #120
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    Miss Tibet

    Miss Tibet wins crown for most controversial beauty pageant
    By Sugam Pokharel, CNN
    Updated 5:16 AM ET, Mon June 5, 2017

    Nine contestants of the Miss Tibet Pageant 2017 pose for a photo during a press conference on 30 May 2017.

    Story highlights
    Miss Tibet draws objections from exiled community, feminists and China
    Organizer Lobsang Wangyal says its intended to empower Tibetan women

    (CNN)This is no ordinary beauty contest.

    There are virtually no sponsors, judges are hard to find -- and so are the participants. Moreover, it is embroiled in a hefty dose of controversy.
    Welcome to Miss Tibet.
    The 15th edition of the beauty pageant for exiled Tibetan women wrapped up on Sunday in the small town of Dharamsala in northwestern India -- home to the Dalai Lama and the headquarters of Tibetan government-in-exile.
    This year the contest saw a record number of nine participants. None of the contestants have ever been to Tibet and are part of India's 100,000-strong Tibetan community that was established 1960 after the Dalai Lama fled across the border.
    Tenzin Paldon, 21, claimed the crown in the grand finale attended by more than 3,000 people, according to organizers.
    "With this title, I will try my best to take it to an international level -- to speak up regarding my country, Tibetan causes, and culture as much as I can," she told CNN.

    Miss Tibet 2017 Tenzin Paldon poses for a photo after winning the crown on June 4, 2017.

    Culture clash

    The contest though faces controversy on multiple fronts: conservative members of the Tibetan community, and feminists object to the pageant on moral grounds, and China, which regards Tibet as an integral part of its territory and objects to winners participating in any international event.
    It's been organized by Lobsang Wangyal since 2002 with the motto "Celebrating Tibetan Women."
    He used $10,000 of his own in money to stage the event plus $1,300 raised via
    This year, said Wangyal, two Tibetan businessmen living in Taiwan and US provided the cash prizes for the winner ($1,550) and runner-up ($775.)
    Wangyal told CNN many Tibetan women want to participate but are held back by Tibetan culture -- which is deeply religious and conservative.
    "[Tibetan women] think what will society have to say? Will people call me different names? Will they talk behind my back? They are so scared and they latch onto that fear," Wangyal said.
    Tibetan elders aren't happy about the contest either. They see it as a cultural betrayal to Tibetan culture and not compatible with Buddhist culture. Traditionally, Tibetan women wear modest, full length robes.
    The three-day event included a swimsuit round.
    "Yes, this is a democratic society but the young generation should remember that we don't have a country, we don't have a home, we are refugees - all we have is our tradition and religion. They should focus on conserving and nurturing that," said Dharamsala-based Tibetan shopkeeper Thinley Kalsyang, 67.
    "Also remember, Buddhism focuses on inner beauty and not your skin and petite body," he added.
    Paldon says the older generation is not well educated.
    "They find it problematic for showcasing our skin. I believe that if you are good in heart, nothing else matters. If you wear a traditional attire, if inside you are a bad person, that is not good," said Paldon.

    The nine contestants of the Miss Tibet Pageant 2017 pose for a photo during the Swimsuit Round at Asia Health Resorts in Dharamshala, India, on 2 June 2017.

    Tenzin Lungtok, Secretary of Culture and Religion for the exiled Tibetan government, declined to comment when asked if he supported the event.
    2016 Miss Tibet winner Tenzing Sangnyi faced a backlash for her poor knowledge of Tibetan language. She told CNN she took that as a constructive criticism.
    "I cannot blame them. They are concerned about our culture. As refugees, we have to conserve our culture and language. So, if I'm representing a modern Tibetan woman, I should have been more fluent with my language," Sangnyi said.
    Weird, especially for Tibet.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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